Message from @zNickMan

Discord ID: 776288554417389568

2020-11-12 03:29:38 UTC  

Holo guys

2020-11-12 03:29:39 UTC  

I have nothing but pure hate in my dead as fuck hart for leftists.

2020-11-12 03:30:03 UTC  

Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.

2020-11-12 03:30:12 UTC  

who do you guys go to for news?

2020-11-12 03:30:29 UTC  


2020-11-12 03:30:30 UTC  

When Trump wins, I want to collect every bit of gloating, Colbert crying about fascism, and every declaration of "President Elect"

2020-11-12 03:30:39 UTC  


2020-11-12 03:30:42 UTC  

GET epic gamers is where I get my news funnelled to me on smoko

2020-11-12 03:30:45 UTC  

and every bit of Trump declaring victory

2020-11-12 03:30:54 UTC  

and make a montage set to something awesome like the Can Can

2020-11-12 03:30:58 UTC  

make that go viral in their face

2020-11-12 03:31:05 UTC  

@Philip The Televangelist I just watch crowder once a week and Cipher through the crap that is new media nowadays

2020-11-12 03:31:51 UTC  

America Stand is pretty good daily too

2020-11-12 03:32:27 UTC  

Love Censored but McInnes got blackpilles a few days back

2020-11-12 03:32:29 UTC  

No TV here and it's awesome

2020-11-12 03:32:42 UTC  

Newsmax is too based for me and feels like the red side of the young Turks, people staring into the teleprompter with a dead monotone voice

2020-11-12 03:32:51 UTC  

Anyone else felt demoralized when they called it for Biden? I know I sure did, but knowing whats going to go down, I feel much better.

2020-11-12 03:32:54 UTC  

News max is in app store for Free

2020-11-12 03:33:04 UTC  

Nope. Knew it was bullshit.

2020-11-12 03:33:15 UTC  

Oh Newsmax is reliable?

2020-11-12 03:33:34 UTC  

It's not bad

2020-11-12 03:33:36 UTC  

When I first saw this, not gonna lie my heart sank.

2020-11-12 03:33:38 UTC  

I get news from National File

2020-11-12 03:33:40 UTC  

> Newsmax is too based for me and feels like the red side of the young Turks, people staring into the teleprompter with a dead monotone voice
@gidcumbc Newsmax is owned by a very rich guy in Florida who's been friends with Trump for decades. He's not really a Republican but just a guy who's friends with the president and wants to both see him succeed and make money off it.

2020-11-12 03:33:59 UTC  

Reminder that it's all propaganda to demoralize you, @Rievous. Glad you recovered.

2020-11-12 03:34:34 UTC  

trump win GA when?

2020-11-12 03:34:40 UTC  

im getting tired of waiting

2020-11-12 03:34:41 UTC  

Glad to see everything is up and running again

2020-11-12 03:34:51 UTC  

Yeah I could understand that, it’s definitely better than fox

2020-11-12 03:34:59 UTC  

Just like 16

2020-11-12 03:35:34 UTC  

I keep this handy--it's what CBC reported before the vote count stopped on election night, and the US media never reported it.

2020-11-12 03:35:36 UTC  

It's a hand recount in Georgia and the governor wants it done by the 20th

2020-11-12 03:36:04 UTC  

So we probably got a few weeks of this dont we?

2020-11-12 03:36:05 UTC  

Imagine being this moron

2020-11-12 03:36:07 UTC  

That's the certify date in geriga

2020-11-12 03:36:27 UTC  

I'm 9 days...

2020-11-12 03:36:30 UTC  


2020-11-12 03:37:08 UTC  

Don't get black pilled. I'll eat you and wear your skin.

2020-11-12 03:37:21 UTC  

That better be a promise

2020-11-12 03:37:34 UTC  

> I keep this handy--it's what CBC reported before the vote count stopped on election night, and the US media never reported it.
@Patrick BASED

2020-11-12 03:37:37 UTC  

What did he mean by this