Message from @zNickMan
Discord ID: 776288554417389568
Holo guys
I have nothing but pure hate in my dead as fuck hart for leftists.
Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.
who do you guys go to for news?
When Trump wins, I want to collect every bit of gloating, Colbert crying about fascism, and every declaration of "President Elect"
GET epic gamers is where I get my news funnelled to me on smoko
and every bit of Trump declaring victory
and make a montage set to something awesome like the Can Can
make that go viral in their face
@Philip The Televangelist I just watch crowder once a week and Cipher through the crap that is new media nowadays
America Stand is pretty good daily too
Love Censored but McInnes got blackpilles a few days back
No TV here and it's awesome
Newsmax is too based for me and feels like the red side of the young Turks, people staring into the teleprompter with a dead monotone voice
Anyone else felt demoralized when they called it for Biden? I know I sure did, but knowing whats going to go down, I feel much better.
News max is in app store for Free
Nope. Knew it was bullshit.
Oh Newsmax is reliable?
I get news from National File
> Newsmax is too based for me and feels like the red side of the young Turks, people staring into the teleprompter with a dead monotone voice
@gidcumbc Newsmax is owned by a very rich guy in Florida who's been friends with Trump for decades. He's not really a Republican but just a guy who's friends with the president and wants to both see him succeed and make money off it.
Reminder that it's all propaganda to demoralize you, @Rievous. Glad you recovered.
trump win GA when?
im getting tired of waiting
Glad to see everything is up and running again
Yeah I could understand that, it’s definitely better than fox
Just like 16
I keep this handy--it's what CBC reported before the vote count stopped on election night, and the US media never reported it.
It's a hand recount in Georgia and the governor wants it done by the 20th
So we probably got a few weeks of this dont we?
That's the certify date in geriga
I'm 9 days...
Don't get black pilled. I'll eat you and wear your skin.
That better be a promise
> I keep this handy--it's what CBC reported before the vote count stopped on election night, and the US media never reported it.
@Patrick BASED