Message from @gidcumbc

Discord ID: 776287564922748999

2020-11-12 03:25:04 UTC  

Man the look on their faces when Trump wins


2020-11-12 03:25:07 UTC  

Bush V Gore 2: this time it's personal

2020-11-12 03:25:12 UTC  

What's everyone's thoughts on GEOTUS winning? I have 1k riding on it

2020-11-12 03:25:22 UTC  

Oh the preacher said it back in 2007

2020-11-12 03:25:35 UTC  

i think he's got it should the supreme court hold the constitution

2020-11-12 03:25:39 UTC  

Kim Clement

2020-11-12 03:25:41 UTC  

lemme link ut

2020-11-12 03:26:06 UTC  

It's either gonna be supreme court, or state legislaton to give Trump a second term

2020-11-12 03:26:28 UTC  

I can't wait.

2020-11-12 03:26:29 UTC  

I'm going to be such a glutton on their pain. Like a fat kid at McDonald's ordering 56 nuggets at once.

2020-11-12 03:26:38 UTC  

A series of prophecies from God

2020-11-12 03:27:31 UTC  

when Trump wins, I shall neither gloat nor insult them, the way they have done to me. But rather, I shall smile, and carry on my merry way.

2020-11-12 03:28:00 UTC  

Fuck that. 4 years of bullshit. I'm hungry, I'm gonna feed.

2020-11-12 03:28:09 UTC  

> when Trump wins, I shall neither gloat nor insult them, the way they have done to me. But rather, I shall smile, and carry on my merry way.
@Rievous the rules of engagement changed eveny they committed fraud

2020-11-12 03:28:14 UTC  

I don't wish to let pure hatred consume me, as it has the leftist drones

2020-11-12 03:28:32 UTC  

No that's weakness.

2020-11-12 03:28:45 UTC  

> when Trump wins, I shall neither gloat nor insult them, the way they have done to me. But rather, I shall smile, and carry on my merry way.
@Rievous Better man than me

2020-11-12 03:28:57 UTC  

Cause we're not crying. We're going to court.

2020-11-12 03:29:03 UTC  

Haha Tom your job is to kind of gloat tho

2020-11-12 03:29:38 UTC  

Holo guys

2020-11-12 03:29:39 UTC  

I have nothing but pure hate in my dead as fuck hart for leftists.

2020-11-12 03:30:03 UTC  

Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.

2020-11-12 03:30:12 UTC  

who do you guys go to for news?

2020-11-12 03:30:29 UTC  


2020-11-12 03:30:30 UTC  

When Trump wins, I want to collect every bit of gloating, Colbert crying about fascism, and every declaration of "President Elect"

2020-11-12 03:30:39 UTC  


2020-11-12 03:30:42 UTC  

GET epic gamers is where I get my news funnelled to me on smoko

2020-11-12 03:30:45 UTC  

and every bit of Trump declaring victory

2020-11-12 03:30:54 UTC  

and make a montage set to something awesome like the Can Can

2020-11-12 03:30:58 UTC  

make that go viral in their face

2020-11-12 03:31:05 UTC  

@Philip The Televangelist I just watch crowder once a week and Cipher through the crap that is new media nowadays

2020-11-12 03:31:51 UTC  

America Stand is pretty good daily too

2020-11-12 03:32:27 UTC  

Love Censored but McInnes got blackpilles a few days back

2020-11-12 03:32:29 UTC  

No TV here and it's awesome

2020-11-12 03:32:42 UTC  

Newsmax is too based for me and feels like the red side of the young Turks, people staring into the teleprompter with a dead monotone voice

2020-11-12 03:32:51 UTC  

Anyone else felt demoralized when they called it for Biden? I know I sure did, but knowing whats going to go down, I feel much better.

2020-11-12 03:32:54 UTC  

News max is in app store for Free

2020-11-12 03:33:04 UTC  

Nope. Knew it was bullshit.

2020-11-12 03:33:15 UTC  

Oh Newsmax is reliable?

2020-11-12 03:33:34 UTC  

It's not bad