Message from @CPEGaebler
Discord ID: 776640263191789599
@Jin already have one. I told her to relax about all this insanity because its gonna be okay.
There's no doubt he'll win
Tonight's lineup on The Jeff Rense radio show starting now
Click link above lineup then click listen live
Folks, is this real life?
prediction on how trump will win PA GA and MI and the rest will be challenged just to make liberals mad
No the rest will be challenged to put an end to that BS. I frankly think we shhould be challenging all 50 states.
but priorities first
Its crunch time people
We ether crush the democrats now or we deserve what we get
Guys listen in at the radio link above if you aren't
In first hour now
Anyone got any interesting hobbies? I do blacksmithing, lock picking, and engineer random shit i want to make, including my flamethrower.
gaming, music production, succulent grafting, programming, weight lifting, graphic art, nootropic enthusiast, network manipulation.
I commit war crimes and ethnic cleansing in minecraft
Plant grafting? That's awesome! I've had mixed results.
Super fun hobby, just got to get the genus right*
Oh, forgot to add drone photography & videos.
Warcrimes mostly. Eating crayons
eating crayons and playing with your toy soldiers*
what started out as an outpost in the middle of the ice caps, turned into a massive stone Imperial city
I spent the last 5 years of my life helping nazis build mecha hitler in Argentina
Sounds like a good time
It comes with ovens. lots of them