Message from @Coolman3000
Discord ID: 776701490399150120
why haven’t we seen Trump in the past, i dunno... week?
he’s been mia, except for yesterday
His lawyers don’t want him speaking and he’s been signing a ton of executive orders this week just incase things don’t work out
Executive orders that Biden will just reverse unfortunately
And probably the threats on him are higher than normal
He signed no US citizen can invest in chino stock or give funding to chino military.... also one making it manditory to teach american history in schools....murica mf 🇺🇸✊
> His lawyers don’t want him speaking and he’s been signing a ton of executive orders this week just incase things don’t work out
@jday1516 Ah
> His lawyers don’t want him speaking and he’s been signing a ton of executive orders this week just incase things don’t work out
@jday1516 Now that’s why he hasn’t been doing rallies
Im pretty sure his campaign announced he wpuld be going to p.a & Georgia to drum up votes incase the lawyer’s can get a recount (rumors🤷🏻)
well, you know what they say about what you heard
we’re going to be alright, Men
Hold Fast
Keep a stiff Upper Lip
Steel Yourself.
We’re gonna make it through
> @TheMousez Who are we gonna fight? How? Are states gonna secede from the union again?
@Ragnarok Slow Your Roll
For now, Just keep high spirits.
I doubt states would secede. Though it's possible
But I'm sure you remember the million man march. Imagine that, but with gun owners.
A state seceding is possible but very unrealistic economically
Never. Ever. EVER let them take away your guns.
The military can't & probably won't engage. They would probably join in
That is an Extremely hard line in the sand. You have to have a point that you won’t go beyond.
@TheMousez Why are you showing me this?
It's what I was talking about earlier & ties to your comments
> Bernie enjoyed surprising support from a minority of current military
@Ragnarok MINORITY
> It's what I was talking about earlier & ties to your comments
If i made it legal to come to your house and rip out your teeth, would you stand for itv
Mate, I'm just posting the biden plans from their website
I understand that
I’m just trying to make a point is all
The law may say one thing
and the law can say many things.
That one screenshot alone is enough to spark a civil war. It's what Ragnarok was replying to.
the question is, will we all stand for it.
Obviously not
> That one screenshot alone is enough to spark a civil war. It's what Ragnarok was replying to.
Ah. i see.
Well, here is my thing. That is a violation of the constitution as we all know. but it goes further than that.