Message from @mambam4

Discord ID: 777781988525604865

2020-11-16 06:23:20 UTC  

> blacks were the canary in the coal mine and now what happened to them is happening to the white man more and more
@Deleted User exactly whats been done to them is being done to everyone, they were the test subject and all these low I.Q racists are too stupid to realize it

2020-11-16 06:23:59 UTC  

@🅱øg Wizard mhm you get it

2020-11-16 06:24:04 UTC  

but tbh

2020-11-16 06:24:24 UTC  

black people will have to feel more pain before they wake up

2020-11-16 06:24:24 UTC  

@Deleted User im gonna disagree with that. White genocide is real, but not in America. South Africa yes.

2020-11-16 06:24:30 UTC  

same with whites

2020-11-16 06:24:46 UTC  

@🅱øg Wizard thats not what the video says

2020-11-16 06:24:50 UTC  

South Africa 100%. But don’t say that to the globalists

2020-11-16 06:25:01 UTC  

just watch it

2020-11-16 06:25:05 UTC  

its only a min

2020-11-16 06:25:19 UTC  

some black people are more understanding than others

2020-11-16 06:25:24 UTC  

@🅱øg Wizard non violent white genocide has existed for the past 50 years it’s called diversity

2020-11-16 06:26:07 UTC  

Diversity literally means less white people

2020-11-16 06:26:10 UTC  

Guess you would call me a race traitor for being engaged to my fiancé who’s mixed

2020-11-16 06:26:32 UTC  

im a mutt idc

2020-11-16 06:26:35 UTC  

Well you def aren’t helping the situation lmao

2020-11-16 06:26:51 UTC  

>Democrats champion non whites
>Conservative base mostly white
>Dems want open borders, for guess what, more non whites.

Overtime you lose a majority all because of MuH DiVeRsItY

2020-11-16 06:26:55 UTC  

i like latinas and middle eastern women

2020-11-16 06:27:09 UTC  

Well have fun being irrelevant in society. > Well you def aren’t helping the situation lmao

2020-11-16 06:27:56 UTC  

It’s literally a game of president. Except they’re trying to flip the deck and leave whites at the bottom forever

2020-11-16 06:28:02 UTC  

Ahh so the true colors of a race traitor shows

2020-11-16 06:28:17 UTC  

Have fun creating kids that will have zero identity

2020-11-16 06:28:28 UTC  

Im gonna tell you now to knock it off. Because You’ll go on vacation next

2020-11-16 06:28:56 UTC  

the problem itself is the view of dominance over one another each group feels at odds with the other and must have superior numbers to secure supremacy

2020-11-16 06:29:09 UTC  

rather than simply respecting one another

2020-11-16 06:29:36 UTC  

I’m mixed and I for one am not a fan

2020-11-16 06:29:40 UTC  

and people wonder why we’re losing this election. We’re infiltrated the ((())) and beta nat civ cucks

2020-11-16 06:29:48 UTC  

feeling like its a life and death struggle because we have all been pitted against each other by the long noses

2020-11-16 06:30:14 UTC  

@Fifty5Grain no one is wondering and thats not why

2020-11-16 06:30:37 UTC  

You still for minorities you lose your country

2020-11-16 06:30:50 UTC  

> Have fun creating kids that will have zero identity
@Fifty5Grain he stated he views himself as american and doesnt care about skin color

2020-11-16 06:31:03 UTC  

They aren’t your friend and never will be, in fact they want you dead

2020-11-16 06:31:04 UTC  

you can have a collective culture that unites one another

2020-11-16 06:31:16 UTC  

Nah that shits gay

2020-11-16 06:31:23 UTC  

the problem is the view of different cultures

2020-11-16 06:31:40 UTC  

Nationalistic minorities are unicorns. You can join the reality of this situation at any moment

2020-11-16 06:32:00 UTC  

and as we stated wasnt always like that

2020-11-16 06:32:08 UTC  

youre looking at the small picture

2020-11-16 06:32:19 UTC  

Trumps base is practically nationalist though. Literally Millions are AMERICA FIRST

2020-11-16 06:32:23 UTC  

fighting among one another solves nothing