Message from @šŸ‘‘ āœSteveBannonāš”NationalPopulisāœž

Discord ID: 782065020707012608

2020-11-28 01:55:48 UTC  

The standards for defamation of an elected official are a lot different than for a private citizen

2020-11-28 01:56:07 UTC  


Why is this not happening anywhere else including arizona, Michigan and Georgia?

What will happen with those states

2020-11-28 01:56:42 UTC  

They were going to do something with Georgia today

Challenging the 3 day extension or mail-in-ballots?

2020-11-28 01:57:22 UTC  

Mail in I think

@HighTestLadyKiller Any good news for any other states like Georgia, Arizona, and Michigan?

Any similair aspect to Penn legal case

2020-11-28 02:03:30 UTC  

Can't believe AZ turned on us

"If the state flips back over to President Trump after a recount, the overall election result will not be impacted, as President-elect Joe Biden will still have won a majority of Electoral College votes." @RALPHY88

2020-11-28 02:04:51 UTC  

I don't think they took the other swing states into account

2020-11-28 02:04:57 UTC  

Is the whole judicial system corrupt? Are these judges just forgetting the law and turning a blind eye to the facts?

@RALPHY88 You mean Judy Guiliani didn't take other swing states into account?

2020-11-28 02:06:10 UTC  

No, the author of the article

@RALPHY88 But are they taking Legal cases on mass fraud in Georgia and Arziona?

Or is it only a recount?

2020-11-28 02:07:37 UTC  

I think it's just recounting afaik

2020-11-28 02:07:52 UTC  

Though I've heard cases were started for Georgia

Bro its not going to be a recount

its going to be getting rid of illegel ballots

and counting legal ballots

2020-11-28 02:09:12 UTC  

Yeah that's what I meant

2020-11-28 02:09:41 UTC  

They auditing GA?

@RALPHY88 I'm just going to listen to Rudy Guiliani cases in all of these states

It will be a domino affect

2020-11-28 02:11:17 UTC  

@šŸ‘‘ āœSteveBannonāš”NationalPopulisāœž You mean if one judge acknowledges voter fraud others will too?

2020-11-28 02:11:54 UTC  

There were fake signatures in GA

2020-11-28 02:13:39 UTC  

The media did nothing when one of Biden's campaign members got arrested for voter fraud

is the same judge throwing out cases in Georgia will go to the supreme court @HighTestLadyKiller

He doesn't have time to go to another judge

He will have to ask the state legistrator

Judy Guiliani is going to the state legistrator he doesn't have time for the courts to reject him

There isn't much criticism in the State legistrator especially in Georgia

But in Michigan its different