Message from @SilverWolf

Discord ID: 782384433311121418

2020-11-28 20:26:45 UTC  

Hell yeah man

2020-11-28 20:28:46 UTC  

so what are the odds of trump pulling a victory still

2020-11-28 20:43:41 UTC  

yaaaaaaaaay on call weekend -_- my free time is way more precious to me than extra money

2020-11-28 20:54:20 UTC  

Dont worry about it.

2020-11-28 20:54:25 UTC  

Its up to fate now

2020-11-28 21:19:22 UTC  

*sigh* I love wasting my day in the parking lot while my fiancé bra shops. I’m not wearing a face diaper in the store.

2020-11-28 21:37:34 UTC  

Based 100

2020-11-28 22:20:43 UTC  
2020-11-28 22:21:10 UTC  

some states like ca you can just say you have a medical condition and by law they cant ask what

2020-11-28 22:21:35 UTC  

though I guess you would know if you are in any of those since your a cop

2020-11-28 22:22:11 UTC  

wait we got 2 cops?

2020-11-28 22:40:09 UTC  

Fuck california yo

2020-11-28 22:40:51 UTC  

Cali is full of low IQ people

2020-11-28 22:41:52 UTC  

Driving. And I always use the jedi mind trick on them of medical condition

2020-11-28 22:42:16 UTC  

Canada is banning assault weapons

2020-11-28 22:51:41 UTC  

Every such Jedi trick is a Speech check

2020-11-28 23:05:38 UTC  

Sounds like every single person where I live

2020-11-28 23:15:45 UTC  

I have family in Cali

2020-11-28 23:15:52 UTC  

So does it look like Trump is going to steal back a victory?

2020-11-28 23:16:15 UTC  


2020-11-28 23:16:24 UTC  

can't steal what was rightfully yours

2020-11-28 23:16:26 UTC  

Brother, no one has even 'won' yet

2020-11-28 23:17:05 UTC  

just like you can't steal Constantinople, only liberate it

2020-11-28 23:17:14 UTC  

Where's Trump at? I haven't been fucking with social media this week.

2020-11-28 23:17:28 UTC  

I heard he was holding a rally in GA tonight

2020-11-28 23:17:35 UTC  

But I haven't heard anything past that

2020-11-28 23:18:42 UTC  

PA looks like it is going to Trump regardless of weather or not the 'results' are officially overturned

2020-11-28 23:18:52 UTC  

AZ and NV* are probably going to follow suit

2020-11-28 23:19:22 UTC  

and the Trump team finished their recount and have a shit ton of legal evidence in WI so on monday they are gonna tear into them.

2020-11-28 23:19:39 UTC  

You hope or you know?

2020-11-28 23:20:01 UTC  

On which count?

2020-11-28 23:20:06 UTC  

I'm nervous, my dudes

2020-11-28 23:20:08 UTC  

all of this is stuff that is happening

2020-11-28 23:20:24 UTC  

As stated by Trump, with some paraphrasing

2020-11-28 23:20:34 UTC  

But you have (((them))) pulling he strings

2020-11-28 23:20:49 UTC  

Time will tell

2020-11-28 23:20:55 UTC  

I'm just sharing what good news I know of

2020-11-28 23:20:56 UTC  

That's what makes me not fully certain he'll pull through fine

2020-11-28 23:21:20 UTC  

They rigged the election. Will they rig the recounts?

2020-11-28 23:21:35 UTC  

They have plenty of time before the end of the year to overturn the election

2020-11-28 23:22:06 UTC  

The WI recount was done to identify illegal votes so they could take the case to court