Message from @dichuz91/Mulitin Dunar

Discord ID: 785279120908746772

2020-12-06 22:45:34 UTC  

which is surprising because the libery bell we all know and love was made in 1751, meanwhilethis particular bell and was rung in 1776 to mark the birth of the nation

2020-12-06 22:52:16 UTC  

Wait what?

2020-12-06 22:53:11 UTC  
2020-12-06 22:53:13 UTC  


2020-12-06 22:53:20 UTC  

This is the article

2020-12-06 22:53:29 UTC  

So it's like that one movie where a vaccine made the world not have kids anymore

2020-12-06 22:54:06 UTC  

Try again sweaty *black woman drinking tea gif*

2020-12-06 22:54:44 UTC  

All snopes says is that it's not a sterilization. Not that a side effect is sterilization

2020-12-06 22:55:04 UTC  

yeah there is a picture out there of snopes claiming it was false where they them to go and provide a segment which clearly stated that the vaccine blocks the protinesneccesary for the formation of the placenta

2020-12-06 22:55:35 UTC  

Yet another one of those "No, but well yes"

2020-12-06 22:55:37 UTC  

If they were around almost 250 years ago, they'd be fact checking the American Revolutionaries and saying that the British Empire is "the projected winner of the 1776 conflict as per bipartisan agreement"

2020-12-06 22:56:21 UTC  

Oh, and how they said all the Venezuela voting stuff was fake as well

2020-12-06 22:56:30 UTC  

Meanwhile..... <#778734245765709844>

2020-12-06 22:56:33 UTC  

"Yeadon and German physician Wolfgang Wodarg sent a letter to the European Medicines Agency, calling on EMA to halt clinical trials of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine in the European Union. In the letter, Wodarg and Yeadon stated that the Pfizer vaccine blocks a protein that is key in the formation of the placenta in mammals, and they claimed that it’s possible women who receive the vaccine could become infertile."

2020-12-06 22:57:21 UTC  

snope then goes on to add this line "however, they did not state as fact that the vaccine causes sterility, as the Health and Money News headline suggests."

2020-12-06 22:58:00 UTC  

infertile definition "(of a person, animal, or plant) unable to reproduce." in other words....sterile

2020-12-06 22:58:33 UTC  

"Ha! They said COULD, so it is false!"

2020-12-06 22:58:44 UTC  

i know how dare they make such false claims

2020-12-06 22:58:49 UTC  

No special session in Georgia

2020-12-06 22:58:52 UTC  


2020-12-06 22:58:58 UTC  

Kemp won’t call for it

2020-12-06 22:59:32 UTC  

must be nice to be able to just refuse to do your job, with no threat of being fired or losing pay

2020-12-06 22:59:55 UTC  

Fucking insane

2020-12-06 23:00:33 UTC  

If 1000 people show up armed outside of the governors mansion might be the only way to get them to remember who they work for

2020-12-06 23:01:27 UTC  

“It’s too late” ... maybe you shouldn’t have rushed to certify asshole

2020-12-06 23:01:30 UTC  

Why is the FEC not even remotely interested in any of this? There's piles and piles of evidence and they don't seem to care one bit. Video evidence. Canvassers being doxxed and threatened. Thousands of sworn affidavits. Statistical impossibilities. And they don't care? It's all up to the parties to seek out info? And the courts / officials can just say dismiss it out of nowhere then claim they don't have any evidence?

2020-12-06 23:02:30 UTC  

Even in Canada, Elections Canada would be going ham on things if they found ANY of these allegations. People got charged for having 'Robocalls' a few years back.

2020-12-06 23:02:47 UTC  

It’s almost like everyone is in on it

2020-12-06 23:03:11 UTC  

And people are so brainwashed that “no wrong doing” is a good enough answer for them

2020-12-06 23:05:44 UTC  

Even just statistically... Biden only getting 69% of the counties as Obama but almost 25% more votes, while losing all but one Bellweather county, taking losses in the house, possibly not taking the Senate? Breaking voter turnout records (and realistic possibilities), and all this while Trump had what would be a landslide in any other election? (ie. all but one Bellweather, OH and FL, picked up at least 11M votes, etc)... like they BOTH set a record for number of votes received?? in the same election??? Come on man!

2020-12-06 23:07:45 UTC  

There's so many in on it, it's really disappointing

2020-12-06 23:08:37 UTC  

This is why we either need a revolution, or Trump needs to clean house & expose these frauds

2020-12-06 23:10:39 UTC  

hey, got them sweet flight bennefits thanks to being a united employee, anyone got any idea's for a day visit?

2020-12-06 23:17:15 UTC  

Every time I see those fuckers in GA I get heated. They have examples of fraud in their state and they are in on the fix, lining thier pockets. I really want them to be dragged out of the state on a rail

2020-12-06 23:17:23 UTC  

In minecraft

2020-12-06 23:20:15 UTC  

@Buzzsaw west palm beach.

2020-12-06 23:21:23 UTC  

Love west palm beach. Tons to do. And really good food

2020-12-06 23:21:31 UTC  

And of course, mar a largo

2020-12-06 23:23:26 UTC  

West palm beach, florida right?