Message from @Jin

Discord ID: 790105227612520448

2020-12-20 06:06:40 UTC  

eff Q

2020-12-20 06:06:48 UTC  

i’m talking about Trump

2020-12-20 06:07:02 UTC  

You made it sound like Q. Lol

2020-12-20 06:07:22 UTC  

Trust Trump

2020-12-20 06:09:26 UTC  

I dont trust anyone who hasn’t earned it. Trump has my trust

2020-12-20 06:17:00 UTC  

Q is just. Q should have been shut down fr. I get the Q-tards who follow it, their heart is in the right place, but their conspiracy theories are so far fetched

2020-12-20 06:25:28 UTC  

and hasn't Q been wrong alot? didn't they think jeff sessions was going to clean all the corruption up or something?

2020-12-20 06:26:45 UTC  

Alex Jones says he knows the two guys who started Q and it was almost instantly taken over by the shadow government

2020-12-20 06:27:17 UTC  

It purposly feeds 99% bullshit with a little bit of truth sprinkled in

2020-12-20 06:27:27 UTC  

I knew it was the lizards

2020-12-20 06:27:30 UTC  

People love riddles and mysteries. Thats what Q is.

2020-12-20 06:27:31 UTC  

It was initially an effort to connect with Trump supporters and republicans. Once that was achieved, someone else took over the reins and turned it into a conspiracy thinktank

2020-12-20 06:28:10 UTC  

Instead of jumping into crystal clear water people like mucky water

2020-12-20 06:30:00 UTC  

Q feeds you that everything is great and trust the plan trust Sessions trust Bolton

2020-12-20 06:33:56 UTC  


2020-12-20 06:34:10 UTC  

yeah its bs

2020-12-20 06:34:12 UTC  

“Also Alex Jones is bad.”

2020-12-20 06:35:15 UTC  

Like I said, farfetched

2020-12-20 06:35:18 UTC  

I've never seen any Q shit that was compelling or truthful, maybe I missed something early on, I'm not sure why anyone is into it

2020-12-20 06:35:48 UTC  

I've tried looking into it but all I can find is speculative stuff

2020-12-20 06:36:05 UTC  

It's like your sixth sense is going off of when things don't seem how it is

2020-12-20 07:06:28 UTC  

I feel like something huge is going to happen before this is all said and done on the 20th of January

2020-12-20 07:19:30 UTC  

maybe. we shall see

2020-12-20 09:49:56 UTC  

Put it this way there is and has always been sick ppl in the world since the dawn of man why would modern times be any different and that alone should be enough for ppl to go yah thats possible, i have first hand seen child sex trafficking and porn victims when i was younger, yes its all very real. No i was not the victim (i think)it was the other kids my baby sitter watched and her daughter.

2020-12-20 09:54:44 UTC  

You clearly haven’t seen the correct evidence and celebrities have hidden messages about it in videos and songs many times...the lgbt lawyers have been working on lowering the age to 12 ruth ginsberg said she though it was ok to lower it, there are painting in homes of wealthy depicting child torture and child sex.. the artist openly states that is whats happening in her art (disgusting)and they still have them in there homes

2020-12-20 11:18:18 UTC  

I gotta say, I hear Cross the Rubicon alot. And after doing some mass research and reading all I can say is WOW. The historical significance and what is currently going on is mind boggling. Never has there been a better suited phrase for what is happening. Cross the Rubicon GET.

2020-12-20 11:32:50 UTC  

I heard both sides are crossing the Rubicon for an epic battle

2020-12-20 11:42:52 UTC  

any good news today?

2020-12-20 12:09:09 UTC  

Shit that was a nice booty in <#778771316777549875>

2020-12-20 12:09:27 UTC  

but gatdangit Tom we require more news

2020-12-20 12:21:59 UTC  

Fyi that lookalike is not the gender you think it is🤣, hope it didn’t excite you to much.

2020-12-20 12:37:23 UTC  

So I had a post taken down from years ago. I'm sure you're all familiar with "Hans. Get ze luger" meme.

And color me surprised, they restored the post.....of nazis...

2020-12-20 14:50:13 UTC  

@jday1516 I'm not referring to the child sex trafficking and the elite's blackmail and sick cultish behavior, we all know that's true lol. I'm talking about the "trust the plan" BS.

2020-12-20 15:05:10 UTC  

If they are right on the sex trafficking there is good chance they are at least near the mark on other things. the great reset is 100% true, why wouldn’t trump give the order for us to take it back unless he is either 1) in on it...2)got something up his sleeve

2020-12-20 15:07:35 UTC  

There are many other sources to corroborate elite blackmail sex trafficking and the great reset, I knew about those situations well before Q. There is not a lot of evidence to suggest that Jeff Sessions and Bolton will be instrumental in turning this all around.

2020-12-20 15:09:58 UTC  

It is easy to think that either someone posing as Q is trying to destroy credibility or Q was an attempt to throw us off the real trail by establishing credibility with little known facts then use the same methods to lend credibility to non-facts

2020-12-20 15:14:10 UTC  

The piece not many know is what called all these ppl to the fight dates back to 20 years! look who is aligned with who and where they were back then, it paints a really sick picture if you look at why did trump used to get along with Clinton’s and others not since 2001 and look who trump aligned himself with.

2020-12-20 15:14:23 UTC  
2020-12-20 15:20:28 UTC  

Yeah, when you look back 20, 30, 40 years, a pattern emerges where you ask "how the fuck were these people let within a fucking mile of politics."

2020-12-20 15:23:18 UTC  

Because its easy to keep smart ppl with there eyes open silenced by drowning them out as conspiracy theory when you have 329mil morons who are like moths to a flame(oooh pretty lights)