Message from @Dumbass the Thonk Engine

Discord ID: 791426654215471175

2020-12-23 22:00:59 UTC  

if we did something that would ACTUALLY help

2020-12-23 22:01:08 UTC  

instead of funding terrorist organizations

2020-12-23 22:01:10 UTC  

Just let the middle east be a retarded islamic theocracy

2020-12-23 22:01:14 UTC  

Remember when we minded our own business and Europe got into another war every generation? Pepperidge farm remembers.

2020-12-23 22:01:37 UTC  

and then funding more terrorist organizations to fight the last terrorist organization we funded

2020-12-23 22:01:42 UTC  

Hell, think about how developed the Middle East was in the 70s. And then the radicals took over and made it hell.

2020-12-23 22:01:48 UTC  

We should have kept germany

2020-12-23 22:03:07 UTC  

Honestly, if the middle east enjoys their ways of life, let them be.

2020-12-23 22:03:29 UTC  

But they should be responsible for terrorism against other nations

2020-12-23 22:03:46 UTC  

I advocate for nuking them and being done with it

2020-12-23 22:03:50 UTC  

Cause the middle east is not so middle anymore

2020-12-23 22:03:53 UTC  

Problem is, their way of life keeps spawning off terrorists.

2020-12-23 22:04:09 UTC  

Someone needs to go to the muslim box and place torches

2020-12-23 22:04:10 UTC  

So just purge the region and wash our hands of it

2020-12-23 22:04:13 UTC  

They have an arguably shit religion

2020-12-23 22:04:30 UTC  

Been inching their way closer to Rome every year

2020-12-23 22:05:02 UTC  

Their religion is basically one warmonger's fanfic of the Abrahamic religions

2020-12-23 22:05:08 UTC  


2020-12-23 22:05:38 UTC  

China, for all its faults, does not put up with conflicting ideologies like Islam

2020-12-23 22:05:44 UTC  

Why do they mosh pit around a fucking box?

2020-12-23 22:06:58 UTC  

So why don't we join China in nuking them? The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

2020-12-23 22:07:55 UTC  

Death is a preferable alternative to communism thats why

2020-12-23 22:08:28 UTC  

Apparently the box is built around a sacred meteorite. Story goes that it was placed there by Abraham and Ishmael for a Covenant with God.

2020-12-23 22:09:11 UTC  

Why are some religions this fucking retarded?

2020-12-23 22:10:15 UTC  

because some primitives need the threat of a higher power punishing them for being bad. It's the spiritual version of the Shopping Cart theory

2020-12-23 22:10:46 UTC  

Christianity is at least sensible

2020-12-23 22:10:57 UTC  

And less archaic

2020-12-23 22:11:44 UTC  

You guys think Pence is gonna pull through today?

2020-12-23 22:11:56 UTC  

to be seen

2020-12-23 22:12:10 UTC  

I am hopeful

2020-12-23 22:13:20 UTC  

Can't fence the Pence

2020-12-23 22:13:34 UTC  

Can't stump the Trump

2020-12-23 22:13:46 UTC  

Always Darkest

2020-12-23 22:13:53 UTC  

Before the DON

2020-12-23 22:16:18 UTC  

working mic and I can't use it, cause I need to be working

2020-12-23 22:16:18 UTC  

I've seen nothing to convince me he'll betray us or Trump

2020-12-23 22:16:51 UTC  


2020-12-23 22:16:59 UTC  

Media can't be trusted

2020-12-23 22:17:18 UTC  

and during his Defend the majority rally he seemed very determined to fight the fraud

2020-12-23 22:19:03 UTC  

Yeah except the whole part where apostates and innocent people were put the death during the inquisition and the proto Russian witch hunts in murica

2020-12-23 22:19:54 UTC  

Burn the heretic