Message from @Chronoway

Discord ID: 792283922809487360

2020-12-26 06:35:33 UTC  

Fucking simp

2020-12-26 06:35:39 UTC  


2020-12-26 06:35:41 UTC  

2020-12-26 06:36:18 UTC  


2020-12-26 06:36:35 UTC  

You have done well, Lord Vader

2020-12-26 06:37:40 UTC  

From the shadows lol

2020-12-26 06:37:43 UTC  

you do know mouse and I also both have anime profile pics?

2020-12-26 06:38:03 UTC  


2020-12-26 06:39:19 UTC  

I wonder where the fuck they're coming from

2020-12-26 06:39:26 UTC  

I bet there's a CCP Discord somewhere

2020-12-26 06:39:29 UTC  

Open server

2020-12-26 06:39:56 UTC  

Probably just search Trump and end up here

2020-12-26 06:44:16 UTC  

Wonder why they always pop up in this restricted chat though

2020-12-26 06:47:47 UTC  

Either CCP or cp server somewhere definitely

2020-12-26 06:49:50 UTC  

Anyway, wtf is with Tom saying Pence cucked

2020-12-26 06:51:36 UTC  

Probably Pence card crap about throwing them out earlier this week

2020-12-26 06:51:52 UTC  

Which is silly if he can do it later

2020-12-26 06:52:04 UTC  

And protect against more legal challenges

2020-12-26 06:52:15 UTC  

Ye that wasn't even in our playbook until The national file reported it

2020-12-26 06:52:35 UTC  

But bad if they restrict his power with some stupid bill

2020-12-26 06:53:27 UTC  

I dont think they have enough time, Trump could just keep it on his desk without vetoing it

2020-12-26 06:55:35 UTC  

Then they could just do another one I guess that is veto proof?

2020-12-26 06:55:48 UTC  

Or does he have to veto for an over ride?

2020-12-26 06:55:55 UTC  

We only need till Jan 6

2020-12-26 06:56:47 UTC  

There's a deadline at which they can override it I think, but he still has stall time

2020-12-26 06:57:19 UTC  

I can't offer any numbers unfortunately

2020-12-26 07:35:10 UTC  

I'm in facebook gulag so I couldn't respond to those unfortunately. But Pence isn't cucked. When he moves he's always silent. It serves him no advantage to go rogue now since he's seen essentially as a Trump helper and enabler by the left.

I blame mostly the unnecessary hype from very vigilant trump supporters and q-tards. Everyone builds up unnecessary expectations and expects some sort of pivotal win. And when it doesn't happen, everyone's suddenly annoyingly blackpilled. It's simply frustrating.

2020-12-26 07:38:56 UTC  

Like I get we're all excited. We're all anxious. But goddamn it, people should stop putting forth very high expectations only to be blackpilled that you start affecting everyone else's mindset

2020-12-26 07:39:36 UTC  

Hold the fucking line and stand the fuck by

2020-12-26 07:40:37 UTC  

The anime profile picture guy has a point

2020-12-26 07:40:49 UTC  

We must stand by, and hold the Line

2020-12-26 07:42:47 UTC  

In Minecraft

2020-12-26 07:49:00 UTC  


2020-12-26 08:14:50 UTC  

Almost no one came out for Biden at his rallies

2020-12-26 08:15:18 UTC  

There were two Biden car rallies in my area in October but that's it. I saw footage from one and it was LAME

2020-12-26 08:15:38 UTC  

And this is a Democratic area

2020-12-26 08:20:51 UTC  

Leftist said to me, when I mentioned big Trump rallies compared to Biden having nothing like that: "It doesn't matter how big your rallies you have, but how many doors you knock. There was no fraud."

2020-12-26 08:23:13 UTC  

That guy also claims that Trump is universally hated and that's why Biden got so many more votes.

2020-12-26 08:24:15 UTC  

You don't convince a leftist to see your side of argument no matter what you say. That's why trolling them and making them look like idiots is a better way to go.

2020-12-26 08:28:43 UTC  

Lol. 2016, they yelled their lungs out that there was fraud until 2017. 2018 there were numerous reports of voter fraud during midterm elections. 2019, warren and klobuchar reported voter fraud. 2020, it's *magically* airtight?


2020-12-26 08:29:08 UTC  

They are just too blind to see.