Message from @Rievous

Discord ID: 793327058235031582

2020-12-29 00:48:20 UTC  

Trump is definitely NOT acting like a president who is going to be leaving office would be.

2020-12-29 00:48:25 UTC  

@🅱øg Wizard PM me John Sup's profile so I can get get an order in

2020-12-29 00:48:28 UTC  

So that's something

2020-12-29 00:49:00 UTC  

The very definition of leader

2020-12-29 00:50:47 UTC  

Leading the charge for his people

2020-12-29 00:50:58 UTC  

When his 'allies' do fuck all

2020-12-29 02:57:50 UTC  

Yeah, normally Presidents resolve to do Fuck All during the socalled lame-duck period. Trump just... hasn't stopped

2020-12-29 02:58:45 UTC  

and yeah, he's definitely not acting like he's moving out come January

2020-12-29 02:59:05 UTC  

again, he's the only one who sees the whole game board.

2020-12-29 03:30:22 UTC  

Alright boys what'd I miss?

2020-12-29 03:31:11 UTC  

I've been taking a gamer nap all day

2020-12-29 03:42:36 UTC  

Even if he leaves he plans on running in 2024 so he cant just aw fuck it or he looses votes

2020-12-29 03:54:31 UTC  

So the Lolberts are saying Trump caved because he signed the bill and are calling him a weak pansey. I got into it with a few of them this morning

2020-12-29 03:55:56 UTC  

Loberts gonna lol

2020-12-29 03:56:27 UTC  

I mean they are experts when it comes to being weak

2020-12-29 03:56:38 UTC  

Lmao lolberts just wanna smoke meth and fuck their relatives

2020-12-29 03:57:29 UTC  

In some ways I think lolberts are worse than rinos and far leftists

2020-12-29 03:57:37 UTC  


2020-12-29 03:57:45 UTC  


2020-12-29 03:58:11 UTC  


2020-12-29 03:58:29 UTC  

Steven Lolbert

2020-12-29 03:58:36 UTC  

oh wait, he's a l;eft cuck

2020-12-29 03:59:48 UTC  

Lolbertarians are just leftist open border policy supporters that want to legalize every drug imaginable

2020-12-29 04:00:22 UTC  

Lmao I don't think any of these human piles of shit would be able to survive an onslaught

2020-12-29 04:02:41 UTC  

I'm friends with one and he's center right and is against BLM, mind you he's black, and he is well spoken. I'm glad to call him a friend but the rest of them can fuck off

2020-12-29 04:05:10 UTC  

However he is skeptical when I've shown him how schools are indoctrinating kids from elementary to college on hating their country, their identity if they are white and now asian, embrace marxism etc

2020-12-29 04:08:52 UTC  

Lol they're still thinking it's the same pork-filled bill from last week.

I swear man. It's as if people suddenly lost the ability to read.

2020-12-29 04:16:56 UTC  

oh shit

2020-12-29 04:17:07 UTC  

I missed a lot in my nap, looks like things are getting spicy

2020-12-29 04:31:03 UTC  

Lolberts are worse than communists as I said last night. They will literally fight for nothing

2020-12-29 04:32:17 UTC  

being libertarian is ok when you're 18 and you like capitalism and want marihuana to be legal

2020-12-29 04:32:48 UTC  

but adult libertarians are the same as centrists

2020-12-29 04:34:10 UTC  

Lolberts are way worse than centrists

2020-12-29 04:34:37 UTC  

Because they chase after fairytales like Gary Johnson and Jojo some lunatic who cucks to black lives matter

2020-12-29 04:39:17 UTC  

yea i was thinking that they dont wanna take stance on social things, such as whatever to support antifa or proud boys, they rather stay in the middle all the time

2020-12-29 04:40:48 UTC  

i was reading about libertarianism when i was 18 and for a moment I thought its way smarter than just being free-marketer patriot, but as you said these mostly are fairy tales for young people

2020-12-29 04:41:18 UTC  

at least they're smarter than youngsters who get caught by bernie's ideas

2020-12-29 04:42:15 UTC  

At this point I view lolberts as one step above berned out thinkers

2020-12-29 04:44:12 UTC  

you gotta be super dumb to be pro free-market and not vote for trump when he's around

2020-12-29 04:44:23 UTC  

or look for dumb reasong like banning bump-stocks etc

2020-12-29 04:45:50 UTC  

what other reasons they had to not vote for trump?