Message from @🅱øg Wizard
Discord ID: 796133174354378812
this is how rumors start
my pillow guy just said he has been working with Sidney p and general flynn and that he knows trump is gonna win (it sounded like inside baseball)
Its not rumor it is verified by the secret service they are watching traffic patterns and flights into DC and calculated 3 million 2 days ago...
Hoping everythings peaceful tmrw
Pretty sure the Chinese are hoping you guys have a civil war
Yup there just sitting back waiting...the deck is rigged... we dont fight we definitely loose it all, we fight we might loose it all and start a world war
There will definitely be a world war
If China gets control of America
Yeah they want us to get violent because its the only way they truly win is us killing each other.
Those wanting war are fools when we have come far in the fight against the globalists
We will win if we keep the path we are on
The thing is I think the only people that will fight are the antifa sjw loons and theres not many of them
I heard the proud boys are coming in all black to confuse antifa
So I was listening to Sabaton while coming home earlier and Winged Hussars came on the playlist and I thought how epic would it be if someone brought a couple of horses to the rally dressed as Polish Hussars
Being of Polish decent I would so do this.
How many people are in Washington right now?
Someone said something about 3 million?
Estimates right now are way more than the last rally.
Currently idk how many but id guess 200k at minimum
And if I saw correctly people are having issues with driving directions into DC?
With google maps and such?
Tomorrow is going to be absolutely insane
on a scale of 1 to epic, its going to be god tier epic
oh trust me, if the civil war breaks.. we will bring some actual Hussars
Banned from the city?
That won't stop him
And the DC mayor has activated the national guard
Also, there's going to be riots tonight
will they burn another city? <:smugpepe:445634631950139403>
Kenosha again
Trump just issued a warning to antifa
If they vote wrong tomorrow, these people will rush in & so who knows what to them
I can't wait!
Omg for a second there i kept reading your part at the bottom thinking it was trump saying that, my head almost exploded with excitement.