Message from @koolguy18000

Discord ID: 791042247780466718

2020-12-22 20:27:12 UTC  

They should host more events and they will attracts millions of people

2020-12-22 20:27:56 UTC  

But they won’t, they only are doing what they must to gain more donors and votes for the GOP establishment.

2020-12-22 20:27:59 UTC  

Yes @Virulence They are standing up for Freedom and prosperity, every country should condemn what is going on when Congress is so corrupt tbey can't even pass a bill

2020-12-22 20:28:16 UTC  

But the establishment republicans won’t do that

2020-12-22 20:28:40 UTC  

Charlie kirk and young conservatives are the future

2020-12-22 20:28:42 UTC  

They are literally coming out and showing their true colors

2020-12-22 20:30:27 UTC  

That doesn’t make me hopeful, it saddens me that some apologist for homosexuals and person who condemns any legitimate conservatism like Kirk is going to be responsible for conditioning the future of conservatism

2020-12-22 20:30:47 UTC  

China is the enemy and the Gop has to stop making deals with them, However the official Swalwell got caught literally in bed with a Chinese spy Fang dang

2020-12-22 20:31:22 UTC  

I have nothing against homosexuals, that's their decision, the Gop has bigger issues

2020-12-22 20:32:44 UTC  

China is bad, but the great majority of our problems that have arisen internally in our country: feminism, consumerism, anti-traditionalism, anti-Christianity, secularism, sex-positivism, rampant individualism, etc.

2020-12-22 20:33:19 UTC  

And socialism has emerged from the consequences of those internal threats, which conservatives failed to attack after WWII

2020-12-22 20:33:52 UTC  

I agree @Virulence and President Trump and conservatives should finally restore these values and take on the main stream media and China

2020-12-22 20:34:25 UTC  

They are trying to crash the world "with this virus" we must fight back against them

2020-12-22 20:35:04 UTC  

But don’t you understand that you won’t accomplish this if you continue to let the establishment republicans run the show? Trump is anti-establishment, but he’ll only get us so far as far as social issues go assuming that he gets into power (which is, unfortunately, very unlikely)

2020-12-22 20:35:37 UTC  

At least support the America First movement created by Nick Fuentes, it’s the last hope for the USA

2020-12-22 20:37:07 UTC  

Yes i will @Virulence you are right, this election was 100% Treason and President Trump has utilize his executive powers as well as Americans standing up for their rights and do what we want, when we want to do it

2020-12-22 20:37:32 UTC  

That’s a good mindset

2020-12-22 20:38:01 UTC  

Look up Nick Fuentes and Keith Woods on YouTube

2020-12-22 20:38:14 UTC  

And if you get there, read some good books

2020-12-22 20:38:34 UTC  

I recommend How to be a Conservative by Roger Scruton

2020-12-22 20:39:28 UTC  

Yes okay i will @Virulence we are united in this fight

2020-12-22 20:40:48 UTC  

Yes we are

2020-12-22 20:41:20 UTC  

Also check out Morgoth’s Review and Blackpilled on YouTube

2020-12-22 20:42:14 UTC  

Thank you @Virulence

2020-12-22 20:42:24 UTC  

Always glad to help

2020-12-22 20:44:37 UTC  

<:trumpcountry:787139691836211240> <:trump2020:786404251001290814> <:trump:786404250061766656> 👍 💯 <:emojitrump2020:786404253098442773>

2020-12-22 20:48:04 UTC  

Amen @Clare P <:trump:786404250061766656> <:trumpcountry:787139691836211240> <:trump2020:786404251001290814> <:tophat:786404255942705224> <:maga:786404255996706846> <:boom:786404419712712724>

2020-12-22 20:53:17 UTC  
2020-12-22 20:53:36 UTC  

I've been busy today and have to go back at it again soon.

2020-12-22 20:54:16 UTC  

Hi @The_Old_Guy_1947 getting busy in the run up to Christmas - love it.

2020-12-22 20:55:50 UTC  

Some good news is starting to hit the "wire". GA has recommended "De-certifying their Electors and going with Trump, Also AZ and WI will be following suit soon. That will put Biden below the 270 and force the 1 vote per state in the House.

2020-12-22 20:57:14 UTC  

Weather has been awful here lately, 74 degrees and only a minor wind. LoL Night time about 55 derees.

2020-12-22 20:58:29 UTC  

@The_Old_Guy_1947 Great! Time for the state's to decide and VP Pence is the final approver also

2020-12-22 20:59:38 UTC  

@koolguy18000 I haven't changed my prediction - 70% chance Trump will win and the 12 Amendment vote in the house will swing it to him!

2020-12-22 21:01:36 UTC  

Yes @The_Old_Guy_1947 i agree with your prediction

2020-12-22 21:05:15 UTC  

I've a bet on with God, odds are 100% win <:emojitrump2020:786404253098442773>

2020-12-22 21:06:34 UTC  

@koolguy18000 What has me really worked up is the stupid Money Wasting Covid Relief bill that passed. I really hope Pres. Trump Vetoes it! What a was of money. About $6 Billion to foreign countries (Pakistan Gender Programs????) $1 Billion to the Smithsonian???? $26 Million to the Kennedy Center again???? $300 per week for not working???? What is wrong with these people. Don't they know what causes Inflation????

2020-12-22 21:07:09 UTC  

@Clare P Amen!

2020-12-22 21:10:09 UTC  

Hi everyone. Catching up on all your previous chats. Been real busy at work and planning for the holidays. I hope all is well with everyone and I just wanted to drop by and wish you all a very Merry Christmas and the Happiest New Year!💒<:emojitrump2020:786404253098442773> 🙏

2020-12-22 21:12:19 UTC  

Oh totally wishing the same for everyone. Merry Christmas. happiness, health and blessings

2020-12-22 21:13:20 UTC  

@FaithPlusNothing @Clare P @koolguy18000 Before everything gets even wilder, I also want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and enjoy your friends and family. Don't let this fake Pandemic spoil your enjoyment of our Saviors Birth!