Message from @Phil Whitehead

Discord ID: 794982746232979466

2020-12-29 23:59:52 UTC  

This entire thread is nothing but general conversation making the channel redundant

2020-12-30 00:00:49 UTC  

Maybe we could make the channel <#759145497134497825>-1

2020-12-30 00:01:06 UTC  

We already have a general chat

2020-12-30 00:10:55 UTC  

Yea we will make a few more text channels so that way links can be links only and memes can be funny images only. Normal day to day conversation in <#759145497134497825> and more in depth political talk in <#786395221855961109>

2020-12-30 00:12:26 UTC  

May as well not allow links in politics, with all the chit chat, finding a link will become a headache for anyone looking

2021-01-01 15:57:56 UTC  

President Trump won PA landslide victory election night <:trump:786404250061766656> <:trump2020:786404251001290814> <:trumpcountry:787139691836211240>

2021-01-02 09:24:16 UTC  

Hmm @Phil Whitehead i find it interesting that other countries are "banning the US for traveling for 14 days" But i thought it was in CA, not Florida 🤔 something is fishy here

2021-01-02 09:25:17 UTC  

Sounds like a typical double standard... I'm sure the Philippines won't be called xenophobic for doing this...

2021-01-02 09:26:57 UTC  

Right @Phil Whitehead It is a double standard, there is a "vaccine" Open up countries would make sense however the global Deep state is probably involved again

2021-01-02 09:28:27 UTC  

Of course the deep state is involved.. why else would this blatant steal be going thru so successfully? The majority of government and judges are all in on this

2021-01-02 09:30:26 UTC  

Yes @Phil Whitehead The swamp is very deep however thanks to President Trump we know who they are and that is our advantage going forward in 2021

2021-01-02 09:38:25 UTC  

I think VP Pence will reject the electors regardless of the media "reporting he will not" which is Treason

2021-01-02 09:56:07 UTC  

Yep. Chinese money at work, as in even our own country

2021-01-02 16:51:19 UTC  

Here we go with contradictions...
Can we believe anything said anymore?
My give a shit meter is fried.

2021-01-02 17:28:14 UTC  

Right @Phil Whitehead but the democrats intimidated President Trump with "the government will shut down" if he didn't sign the Bs "$600 bill" which is Treason

2021-01-02 17:29:47 UTC  

One more thing they'll get away with scott free but if Trump scratches his nose... 3 more year investigation at the tax payers expense

2021-01-02 17:30:35 UTC  

Because he's sending coded nose scratching signals to the russians

2021-01-02 17:34:40 UTC  

Right President Trump paid double taxes, with all due respect, that NY AG Letticia Davis will not succeed investigating President Trump @Phil Whitehead

2021-01-02 17:37:36 UTC  

Sex work...

2021-01-02 17:42:56 UTC  

@Virulence I have no opinion on that subject

2021-01-02 17:44:55 UTC  

What in the world are you getting at...?

2021-01-02 17:47:02 UTC  

@Virulence I am a constitutional conservative, I an sure the democrats support it because they are blinded by greed and lust and other factors

2021-01-02 17:48:29 UTC  

Are you asking for our opinions on laws pertaining to things like porn?

2021-01-02 17:48:40 UTC  

great answer

2021-01-02 17:49:34 UTC  

If they are making all drugs legal in certain states im sure sex work will become legal too. SMH

2021-01-02 17:50:02 UTC  

Already is in FL... Brothels have been legal for years

2021-01-02 17:50:20 UTC  

Only state I'm aware of...

2021-01-02 17:52:33 UTC  

I've stated this before, things like porn need to be left alone. Studies have proven without a doubt this decreases r@pe to minimal levels. Of course, more control needs to be in place to prevent the sick crap like child stuff, otherwise left alone.

2021-01-02 17:53:10 UTC  

Prostitution needs to remain illegal and that includes call girl services, it's just too dangerous

2021-01-02 17:53:54 UTC  
2021-01-02 17:54:33 UTC  

This country is gonna become a total free-for-all

2021-01-02 17:56:30 UTC  

One thing I am completely fed up with is false allegations of r@pe. This has gone too far. Yes, the matter is serious however destroying a mans life first then asking questions later is becoming sickening

2021-01-02 17:57:53 UTC  

Yes @Phil Whitehead @Virulence Whatever is pure and good is the opposite of the democrats, they want open borders, crime sky high, taxes increasing, etc.

2021-01-02 17:58:49 UTC  

In fact, this alone has made the majority of all men extremely leery when it comes to relations with girls. Always gotta wonder... What's the game? Do I need a written consent and 3 wittness to notarized on video with sworn testimony before we sleep together....

2021-01-02 18:00:43 UTC  

@Virulence asks the question and then bounces haha 😋

2021-01-02 18:01:58 UTC  

Of course this is nothing new, harassment has been to extreme levels when we we're all in school back in the 90s. I was once suspended for 3 weeks just for raising an eyebrow to a girl. It highly offended her and the parents threatened to sue the school so they had no option but throw me under the bus

2021-01-02 18:03:11 UTC  

Gotta love that... All it does is raise more questions

2021-01-02 18:03:41 UTC  

She may have stepped away too

2021-01-02 18:05:26 UTC  

Well, blunt answer...
Just because we're all conservative doesn't mean we're against sex. We all have desires and they all differ. Let's face it, men like porn it's nature.