Message from @Pepsi

Discord ID: 779468264211742751

2020-11-20 22:08:07 UTC  

General Civility
1. No verbal abuse, harassment, witch-hunting, raiding, trolling, or other forms of communication that disturbs the general peace of the server.

2. Do not derail or interrupt conversation with unrelated/off-topic content. Having two conversations going on at once in a channel is very hard to have, and we ask you to have a preference of joining in than starting a new topic when one is being discussed.

3. Keep content to the appropriate channel and stop/move if requested by staff. Use bots in the bot channel, debate in the debate channels, etc. Please don’t fight with staff about this, and move in a quick but effective fashion.

4. Absolutely no civil modding/white knighting. The admins, head master, and owner can handle defending or muting people. Occasional help is a good display of leadership, but you do not need to be modding *for* the mods.

5. The server’s native language is *English.* We request that you not speak other languages under most circumstances.

6. Concerning memeing, shitposting, or otherwise toxic and disrespectful behaviour, err on the side of caution.

2020-11-20 22:08:36 UTC  

7. Under no circumstances are pornography, gore, other types of NSFW content, or content that otherwise goes against Discord ToS allowed.

8. No spam. This one is self-explanatory.

9. We generally try to accommodate for all POVs and positions. However, certain matters of genocide denial and endorsement/encouragement of violence or violations of human rights, as well as gross discrimination and disrespect based on sex, sexuality, ethnicity/race, religion (or lack thereof), nationality, etc., particularly when directed at other users, will be nipped in the bud with extreme prejudice. Do not fight with people based on their race, color, beliefs, or other forms of private media.

10. Due to the inherently subjective nature of many issues, the exact limits of what is allowed is up to staff on a case-by-case basis. As a result, we try to maintain discussions, and primarily focus on the way in which users conduct themselves. We may still take measures in certain circumstances, especially ones that we can learn from/make new rules for. Remember that having good intentions and being civil will in all circumstances contribute positively to your evaluation.

11. Bans are permanent. Suspected alts will be purged.

12. Leaking anyone's personal information or trying to retrieve someone's personal information without their consent is under no circumstances allowed. If you're found doing this, you'll both be banned and reported to Discord. We do not condone doxxing.

13. Any form of unsolicited advertising, whether in DMs or in channels, will result in a ban.

14. No one under 13. This violates both Discord TOS and our server rules. Please come back when you are 13+.

15. There is no such thing as a loophole or exploit in the rules.

2020-11-20 22:13:40 UTC  

1. Verbal Warn - The most common form of punishment. This is given out by all mods.

2. Warn - Interchangeable with “mute.” Given out based on behavior or breaking of rules. 5 warns is an auto-kick by the bot, so these are given out sparingly.

3. Mute - Given for basic chat things like spam, or if you have 2+ warns. The duration is determined by the situation and the staff member, so this can be a little biased. All mutes are required to be at or under an hour.

4. Hardmute - Given for multiple mute offenses or 4+ warns. This is an hour+ and can only be given by admins. Mods will get warned for giving a hardmute.

5. Kick - Given after 5 warns, or if someone is just disrupting chat on a consistent basis. This is given to trolls, raids, etc. because we understand not everyone is truly apart of it & that people are able to have second chances.

6. Ban - Non-temporary version of kick. Given after 3 kicks, 10-15 warns, or by a case-by-case basis. This is given after permission is granted by co-owner or owner. If not, an admin is allowed to do this on the basis of civility.

2020-11-25 22:28:06 UTC  

7. No burning american flags
8. No gay shit
9. Making members leave

2020-12-12 06:09:51 UTC  

Infamous rule 10 : don't insult owner

2021-01-05 00:24:00 UTC  

11. Debate pings will be political **only**. Topics such as religion are eligible as well

2021-01-06 02:56:11 UTC  

12. No tagging mod's for no reason unless they say something and you are responding but like not to piss us off.