Message from @h឵឵
Discord ID: 794949100826525736
they are the most annoying pieces of shit I have ever met
I know
Are you sensible?
You tried differentiating leftism and communism
no i didn't?
"I hate Communists more than leftists"
I just said I hate a certain group of lefties
So liberals?
That's false
the authoritarian ones
I hate them the most
they are the biggest larpers ever
So tankies?
Nigga you're an actual jew
I know
they always talk about how "SOCIALISM WILL FIX THE ECONOMY!!111!" When socialism has been known to completely fuck up the economy
Like you're literally the first Natsoc jew
hes facist
I think
Market Socialism is pretty based though
Wtf is natsoc
National socialism
Nationalist socialist
National socialism will never work
Basically a nazi
Get over it 😎
socialism will never work in general
nor will communism
Your penis will never work
Tell that to your mom
"it's achthcualley n*at*ionAl soCialisM"