Message from @Castiel
Discord ID: 791012567531126824
good song
Nice name @Creampie
got removed off of youtube
Susan McGuee?
idk why
Thank you
Are you actually Susan McGuee?
I’m a straight Hispanic male
Ahh, I was like who lame fucking boomer actually puts their face on there
Lemme just be Javier Escuella
People jerk off red dead 2
Like its the best thing since the dawn of man
Even though I actually prefer read dead 1
they arent supposed to be here which makes them illegal can also be considered contraband
i love it
never beat it but put 100s of hours into it
Obviously red dead 2 is an amazing game
But I mean that people who played only rdr2 just go online any "top 10 games x" will just go into the comments and go "What about rdr2????" Or like "rdr2 says alot about society it is so good"
ive never seen that lol
wish the online was better tho
i just get booty fucked
its just gta with slower vehicles and less to dfo
honestly enjoyed rdr1 online better
Yeah red dead online right now is yikes
I think that making it standalone was a good idea at least
Took them forever to add just raiding trains
if they come into the country illegally, then they have committed a crime. Punishment for that crime is being sent back to your country usually
simple as that
Should George Floyd be put in jail? <@&771015472425598985> <@&771015502902067250>
He should’ve of
he should've
Well, more than what happened
If he was still alive, absolutely.