Message from @Starlixa

Discord ID: 795904093733388298

2021-01-04 20:53:00 UTC  

a publicly usable discord archive:, each debate channel has a archive channel so that people who weren't present at a debate can see peoples conclusions of the previous debate, which can add to their ideas and inform them that a argument they are about to make has already been discussed so people don't make the same arguments over and over again, that way each debate can make actual progress or not happen at all if noone has anything to add to previously made conclusions. this also means the conclusions of a debate can be read by people long after teh debate is over, making each debate more potentially impactful
another benefit:

2021-01-04 20:53:05 UTC  

if somone is are arguing something that has already been discussed, instead of typing up a argument (that can be long and fills teh chat unnecessarily) peopel can send a discord chat link to teh arguement in the archive (the discord chat link looks liek this blue link: h ttps://dis to get teh link to the text hover mouse on top right of teh text, press teh three dots, press "copy message link") to a previously made argument in teh archive channel of the debate channel as a response. The archive channel should have subcategory headers debaters discuss to establish (they can type headers in all caps, even bold and italics to distinguish from argument text) to make to make it easier to read through and find ideas to reference in the debate channel.
there can be a archive for every channel to make relevant references easier to find in case someone losses a code, and to make it practical for people to check out previous arguments before starting another debate, thus preventing repetition of arguments, making each debate advance the ideas of people who come even long after the debate is over and "debate" can be just any type of data sharing in general

2021-01-04 20:53:11 UTC  

Add debate etiquettes to #rules, where every time they try to get into the server,they cant until they click on a emoji reaction to confirm a message that says "i will follow server rules and debate etiquettes" to remind the user about the rules and debate etiquettes before they do anything in the server every time they get in.
the debate etiquettes are explanation of how to properly use archive and debate channels according.. also suggest that if someone has arguments they care about more, they keep teh discord chat link to teh argument in teh archive in their personal note/library/whatever u wanna call it..

2021-01-04 20:55:29 UTC  

Spark notes???

2021-01-04 20:56:46 UTC  

Add debate etiquettes to #rules, where every time they try to get into the server,they cant until they click on a emoji reaction to confirm a message that says "i will follow server rules and debate etiquettes" to remind the user about the rules and debate etiquettes before they do anything in the server every time they get in.
the debate etiquettes are explanation of how to properly use archive and debate channels according.. also suggest that if someone has arguments they care about more, they keep teh discord chat link to teh argument in teh archive in their personal note/library/whatever u wanna call it..

2021-01-05 00:16:48 UTC  

but rly, i modmailed the idea and he said its nice but he asked how to do it...

2021-01-05 00:17:04 UTC  

dont know im not a discord mod

2021-01-05 05:13:51 UTC  

In America, Black people constitute thirteen point four percent of the population. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Black individuals commit fifty-three point one percent of murder, Fifty-four point three percent of robbery and forty-three point nine percent of illegal weapon possession. Remember, They consist of less than an eighth of the American population. This year, 287 white men were shot by police and 142 black men were shot. Before you say "but there are so many more white people" it is important to note that people are not shot purely by chance, They are shot for the crimes that they commit. The population ratio means nothing, It is the ratio of violent crime which matters. People are shot for the crimes they commit, And as it turns out, Black people commit a large amount of crime.

Blacks cause trouble wherever they live, Chicago, Detroit, L. A., Anywhere in Africa, And anywhere in Europe. They're born criminals. They want equality, But they don't act equal to the rest of the world's inhabitants. They only think in the present moment. They don't consider their past actions, Or what they may do in the future. Like animals. Only living at the moment. They never think of the harm they're doing to anyone else, Or the pain they might cause. That's why there are so many repeat offenders. They don't think about the consequences of their actions. The world would be a better place without them.

2021-01-05 05:25:21 UTC  

second paragraph is pure bullshit

2021-01-05 06:26:58 UTC  

<@&771015472425598985> would you be offended or uncomfortable if a gay guy hit on you? i personally would be uncomfortable (not because of their sexuality i know that people are gonna assume that)

2021-01-05 06:26:58 UTC  

GG @Starlixa, you just advanced to level 3!

2021-01-05 06:27:39 UTC  

I would be uncomfortable but say nah not because of their sexuality but because Iโ€™m dating someone ๐Ÿ˜‚

2021-01-05 06:28:23 UTC  

Idk if he could be considered gay if he did.

I dont think it would be overly uncomfortable

2021-01-05 06:36:54 UTC  

@Starlixa I have been hit on by two gay guys before and it was def uncomfortable

2021-01-05 06:37:34 UTC  


2021-01-05 06:37:43 UTC  

Yes, a compliment in its own weird way, but still wanted to shove their Peter up my poop hole and I was not about that

2021-01-05 06:38:14 UTC  

highly uncomfortable

2021-01-05 06:38:40 UTC  

I would probably beat them up

2021-01-05 06:38:43 UTC  

i've never been hit on by a gay guy since im a female but if i was a guy and was hit on by one of them i would definitely be uncomfortable

2021-01-05 06:39:25 UTC  

Actually this gay kid did hit on me years ago In school but I only punched him and shoved him into a desk

2021-01-05 06:39:42 UTC  

I would probably do more than that if it happened again

2021-01-05 06:41:44 UTC  

*so masculine~*

2021-01-05 06:42:02 UTC  

Why did that take you like 8 hours to type

2021-01-05 06:42:09 UTC  

was tempted to not

2021-01-05 06:42:18 UTC  


2021-01-05 06:42:26 UTC  

So I sat there contemplating

2021-01-05 06:42:35 UTC  

For a solid 20 minutes

2021-01-05 06:42:49 UTC  

Judging by your roles

2021-01-05 06:42:53 UTC  

You are a libertarian?

2021-01-05 06:43:03 UTC  

indeed I am

2021-01-05 06:43:08 UTC  


2021-01-05 08:10:06 UTC  

I would probably be uncomfortable, but not offended

2021-01-05 08:13:32 UTC  


2021-01-05 09:25:54 UTC  

My best friend is gay whoops

2021-01-05 09:26:17 UTC  

Said he has feelings

2021-01-05 09:26:54 UTC  

Somehow itโ€™s not that uncomfortable, he knows Iโ€™m straight

2021-01-05 11:33:28 UTC  

well because im not a dude he probably wouldnt be considered a gay guy at that point

2021-01-05 13:03:02 UTC  

bro thats weird but shii i hope that homie doesnt just constantly hit on you

2021-01-05 13:32:06 UTC  

Iโ€™m dating his other best friend