Message from @Grape

Discord ID: 789602226573279334

2020-12-18 14:00:56 UTC  

📭 **Successfully disconnected**

2020-12-18 14:01:21 UTC  


2020-12-18 14:11:55 UTC  

Confirmed Nazi lol

2020-12-18 15:01:51 UTC  

@Kriskris wakey wakey

2020-12-18 16:06:50 UTC  

What the fuck

2020-12-18 16:07:55 UTC  

Ngl i just woke up

2020-12-18 16:08:15 UTC  

Good thing I was there to greet you sleeping beauty 😏

2020-12-18 16:08:43 UTC  

ah yea, what would i have done without you

2020-12-18 16:09:43 UTC  


2020-12-18 16:09:43 UTC  


2020-12-18 16:09:57 UTC  


2020-12-18 16:10:14 UTC  

Anyways im gonna go. Tchüss.

2020-12-18 16:13:35 UTC  


2020-12-18 17:04:05 UTC  


2020-12-18 21:09:28 UTC  

It has also helped reduce poverty and raise income (primarily through increases in earnings) in poor families. The economic expansion of the 1990s was surely not the only reason for declining welfare rolls and rising labor force participation, but it was an important component of those changes

2020-12-18 21:09:28 UTC  

GG @rollie, you just advanced to level 5!

2020-12-18 21:16:01 UTC  

As welfare usage declined, employment increased, particularly among single mothers with younger children. The rate of labor force participation among single mothers (age 20-65) with children under age 18 rose from 69 percent to 78 percent between 1990 and 2000. An important component of this change was a significant increase in the number of women who were both receiving welfare and working.

2020-12-18 21:17:20 UTC

2020-12-18 21:22:22 UTC  


2020-12-18 21:22:27 UTC  

This girl

2020-12-18 21:23:10 UTC  

fucking annoying

2020-12-18 21:24:12 UTC  


2020-12-18 21:24:19 UTC  


Public assistance caseloads have declined by more than half since the mid-1990s. Even the strongest proponents of welfare reform in 1996 would not have predicted such dramatic reductions in welfare usage. The key question is how much of the reduction is due to economic expansion versus policy change, and how much of it would be reversed in a recession. A growing body of research has tried to separate the impacts of policy and economy on welfare, with mixed success. The two are almost surely interacting with and reinforcing each other, so that a strong labor market has allowed states to put more energy into case management or move faster in placing recipients into welfare-to-work programs, without working as hard to help clients in these programs locate jobs. These interactions make it difficult to identify the separate effects of the economy and policy.

With this in mind, the existing research generally finds that a 1 percent increase in unemployment has historically increased welfare rolls by around 3 to 5 percent, although this effect occurs only over time and with a lag. These estimates are largely based on historical estimates from the AFDC program, when a smaller share of single mothers or welfare recipients were in the labor market and welfare had no time limit. Cyclical movements between the labor market and welfare were likely to be less common in this period than in the new world of TANF.

2020-12-18 21:24:21 UTC  

This effect will be reduced if a share of these women is ineligible to return to welfare. For instance, sanction policies, time limits, or state diversion policies may keep some applicants off welfare, even when faced with serious economic need. Research based on recessionary effects within the AFDC program cannot take these TANF program changes into account.

Labor Force Participation

*As welfare usage declined, employment increased, particularly among single mothers with younger children. The rate of labor force participation among single mothers (age 20-65) with children under age 18 rose from 69 percent to 78 percent between 1990 and 2000. An important component of this change was a significant increase in the number of women who were both receiving welfare and working.*

However, single mothers tend to have low levels of education, and jobs among less-skilled workers tend to be the least stable and most cyclical. Hence, a recession leading to a 1 percent increase in the aggregate unemployment rate would likely produce greater than 1 percent increases in unemployment among less-skilled workers.

How these newly employed single mothers respond to losing their jobs is important. Will they continue to search for work (thus remaining in the labor force and being counted among the unemployed), or will they leave the labor market entirely, either returning to public assistance (if they can, given sanctions and time limits) or relying on the income of boyfriends or other family members? One might assume that a loss of less-skilled jobs would reduce employment more than it will reduce labor force participation, if actively looking for work is a required component for receiving ongoing public assistance.

2020-12-18 21:25:27 UTC  

The overriding single piece of evidence showing that progress has been made on the agenda of helping mothers on welfare work is the dramatic increase in employment rates among single mothers in the last decade. Employment rates among single mothers, the group most affected by welfare reform, have been slowly increasing for over 15 years, but have jumped markedly since 1994 (figure 1). Employment rates rose from 60 percent in 1994 to 72 percent in 1999, a very large increase by historical standards. Among single mothers who have never been married (the group with the lowest levels of education and some of the highest rates of welfare receipt) employment rates rose even more, from 47 percent to 65 percent over the same period.

2020-12-18 21:25:28 UTC  


2020-12-18 21:26:42 UTC  

Most Women Leaving Welfare Find Work

Robert A. Moffitt
Johns Hopkins University
These overall trends beg for more details on how individual families have fared in the wake of welfare reform. The largest body of evidence comes from data on women who were on welfare but have left, primarily those who left the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program before 1996 or those who left its successor, the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, after 1996. Most states have conducted such studies. A recent review of these studies conducted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services indicates that the employment rate among welfare leavers is approximately 60 percent just after exiting welfare. Moreover, about three-quarters of welfare leavers worked at some point in the first year after leaving the rolls. When welfare leavers work, they generally work full-time. Their hourly wages range from $7-$8 per hour, somewhat above the minimum wage. Those who work earn about $3,000 per quarter, or $12,000 annually. However, the annual wage is an overestimate because most leavers do not work for four quarters in a row, only a little over one-third do, signaling a potential problem with employment retention and stability.

2020-12-18 21:26:45 UTC  


2020-12-18 21:26:57 UTC  
2020-12-18 21:31:44 UTC  

imagine leaving vc

2020-12-18 21:31:49 UTC  

the making arguments

2020-12-18 21:32:50 UTC  

cause im in another call lol

2020-12-18 21:32:53 UTC  

but i can join

2020-12-18 21:32:54 UTC  

"i prop up articles to debunk arguments bc i cant debate"

2020-12-18 21:35:48 UTC  

i said how welfare does not incentivize laziness and how it promotes working, especially since people can work harder out of welfare now that the government is helping them pay for something. there is even evidence from brookings that state

2020-12-18 21:35:49 UTC  


2020-12-18 21:36:00 UTC  

but youre gonna say "ur wrong and ur not proving ur point"