Message from @GalacticCupcakes
Discord ID: 796176145124556811
u guys have fun
i’ll go in general now!
Mhm get your friend to back you up
I'm gonna go shove another one up there
%mute @Al <3 20m rule 10
@Classic authoritarian, you need a role name muted
**Classic Authoritarian#9755** muted **Al <3#3637** for 20 minutes. Reason: rule 10
RIP classic's intestines
60 dildos
hoping to be at 300 by the 9th
Health Care | National Center for Transgender Equality
Anchored north is based at
what r u guys talking about in vc
@scallop I like your pivots.
@Forget Not just seeing this. Dunno what convo you were talking about nigga
We were talking about sex originally I guess now racism
“67 regiments of its 130-regiment total.” 6th paragraph. Before that said article claims each Irish county had a militia as well.
I pulled that up because you demanded it I’ve read 88 out of the 130 british regiments
Just read the fucking article dude
I want to see what you look like nigga