Message from @Japheth
Discord ID: 746960557189496943
Just read Patrick Buchanan's "The Death of the West". It's an interesting read on the dangerous nature of changing demographics, and also a short history on the systematic undermining of family values and Christianity in the West.
Genesis, Creation and Early Man
White History month may be over for this year, but you can always brush up by reading Western literature's quintessential epic; Le Morte D'Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory
Are PDFs available for these books?
no idea, i have the physical copy, can't do ebooks personally, it's jsut not the same
i would imagine for some of the real old ones though that there should be since they're ancient they should pretty well be in the public domain
here you guys go this one is a rare find i think you will find it brings two of your interests together, Jews and Communists, quite nicely.
Books are for nerds.
Annihilation by jeff vandermeer, Unwind series of books, and 1984 is a great dystopian
Brave New World, the superior dystopian novel. It's almost frightening how much of this short book has all ready been implemented into today's society. Huxley darkly predicts modernity as a techno hedonistic godless society totally devoid of any real intellectual pursuits, religion, and love
by James Ellis
this is a guide of what John Wayne knew how to do as well self reliance and independence for all men
that includes outdoors, emergency guides, self defense, and even a recipe for cowboy chili
Together with 1984 and Brave New World, Atlas shrugged also predicted many of what we are seeing today, extreme government regulation destroying businesses, people pretending to be caring for the poor just to steal your property, the wreckage of propping up emotions over logic
lol atlas shrugged was fucking boring, ayn rand is trash writer
really the best dystopian novels are the ones that are actually History
> lol atlas shrugged was fucking boring, ayn rand is trash writer
@Japheth this is the first time I’ve heard (read) anything like this about Atlas Shrugged, why didn’t you like it?
> really the best dystopian novels are the ones that are actually History
@Japheth I’ll check it
lol cause it was boring. How many times do we have to hear "Who is John Galt" until we figure out he's jsut a richboi that Dagny wants up in her uterus?
Plus she a jew