Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 747529130186113075

2020-08-24 18:47:23 UTC  

You're probably going lower in his/her eyes as we speak

2020-08-24 18:47:28 UTC  

By the sound of it

2020-08-24 18:47:32 UTC  

As I have said that people who do "evil" have a lower human rank lol.

2020-08-24 18:47:35 UTC  

This is quite obvious.

2020-08-24 18:47:49 UTC  

I dont really disagree with you.

2020-08-24 18:47:52 UTC  

Thats wrong

2020-08-24 18:47:56 UTC  

I just think perhaps we are having a miscommunication.

2020-08-24 18:48:12 UTC  

There are plenty of consciously evil people who are successful

2020-08-24 18:48:30 UTC  

You just dont look at it that way because youre deluded by satanic principles

2020-08-24 18:48:36 UTC  

Well that depends on what you define as being successful.

2020-08-24 18:49:18 UTC  

worldly success, yes, they're actualyl par for the course

2020-08-24 18:50:20 UTC  

I think youre the one who doesnt understand what human rank means

2020-08-24 18:50:38 UTC  
2020-08-24 18:50:44 UTC  


2020-08-24 18:51:29 UTC  

By human rank many wrong minded evil people rank higher than the majority of people based on "human ranks"

2020-08-24 18:52:29 UTC  

Hmm I dont think so. I think people get the sense when someone is evil. For example we know people who are very wealthy/handsome and so on. But they do evil deeds and that lowers their rank in ur eyes. Regardless of the other factors.

2020-08-24 18:52:49 UTC  

i like to just call it the Satanic Kingdom, and their ranks are inverted to the Kingdom of God. Ie: Single mothers = Satan's own shieldmaidens, a fairly high rank in the Satanic Kingdom, but in the Kingdom of God not a one will ever enter.

2020-08-24 18:53:05 UTC  

> i like to just call it the Satanic Kingdom, and their ranks are inverted to the Kingdom of God. Ie: Single mothers = Satan's own shieldmaidens, a fairly high rank in the Satanic Kingdom, but in the Kingdom of God not a one will ever enter.

2020-08-24 18:53:37 UTC  

the more good and pure you are the lower you rank in the world.

2020-08-24 18:53:41 UTC  

So your making a case that human rank isnt human rank at this point @Deleted User

2020-08-24 18:53:53 UTC  

She can be attractive or wealthy all she wants. But she still is lower in the human rank by not marrying. Or having Promiscuity.

2020-08-24 18:53:53 UTC  

ie: the male virgin is the lowest rank in the kingdom of the world, but the highest in the kingdom of God

2020-08-24 18:54:32 UTC  

the more of a whore you are the higher you are in the kigndom of the world, but in the kingdom of God you are not wanted

2020-08-24 18:54:44 UTC  

> ie: the male virgin is the lowest rank in the kingdom of the world, but the highest in the kingdom of God
Very interesting way to put it.

2020-08-24 18:54:55 UTC  

revelation 14

2020-08-24 18:55:25 UTC  

if you think about it they're closer to God's own nature, ergo the world will ahte them more, but God loves them more because they're more like him

2020-08-24 18:55:33 UTC  

You may be beginning to understand human rank then

2020-08-24 18:55:45 UTC  

> So your making a case that human rank isnt human rank at this point @Deleted User

There are multiple dimensions that make up a human. The spiritual dimension, physical and mental.

2020-08-24 18:55:52 UTC  

If you understand what he said

2020-08-24 18:55:58 UTC  

to the converse, a whore, especialyl a female whore, is like the image of the spirit of Babylon. Even the female whore ranks higher in Satan's kingdom than the beta manwhores

2020-08-24 18:56:24 UTC  

the manwhores would be liek the cannon fodder, while the female whores would be like minor military officers

2020-08-24 18:56:27 UTC  

Someone can be high in human rank on the physical dimension. But if their spiritual dimension is awful.. well it evens out you know.

2020-08-24 18:56:44 UTC  

becomes zilch

2020-08-24 18:56:45 UTC  

Not by human ranking

2020-08-24 18:57:16 UTC  

by human do you mean like the physical human?

2020-08-24 18:57:46 UTC  

Your physical self is not all there is to being human, so when I read "human rank" to me I think of all dimensions of someone.

2020-08-24 18:57:50 UTC  

but then this gets interesting because if you're realyl low ranked in Satan's pathetic ass kingdom and you throw down your weapons and surrender to Lord Jesus, this is actually kinda to your benefit that you haven't gone too evil, because then you don't have that far to rebuild

2020-08-24 18:58:26 UTC  

Im not interested in talking about the abstract

2020-08-24 18:58:50 UTC  

as where if you got really far into the Satanic kingdom, for one you're way less likely to surrender to Jesus, but if you do, like wow you are going to start at square one and you have so much to rebuild

2020-08-24 18:59:26 UTC  

Yes and that plays into the spiritual self.

2020-08-24 18:59:41 UTC  

Its all you