Message from @Mr. Badger

Discord ID: 701623020359385129

2020-04-20 02:27:54 UTC  

Father, rather

2020-04-20 02:28:22 UTC  

if you were a tranny that went female to male, aren't you actualyl a woman?

2020-04-20 02:29:24 UTC  

Typo, male to female

2020-04-20 02:30:45 UTC  

Women trying to be men is hilariously sad and a monsterous side effect of the nuclear family being destroyed

2020-04-20 02:31:25 UTC  

Babylon's kingdom of whoredom and confusion

2020-04-20 02:32:09 UTC  

@t r e e d a d 2 0 0 6 Did you forgive your mama? I dropped the spirit of anger when I did. Since you said you resent the LGBT community - or maybe you need to face someone from that community to overcome? What say you?

2020-04-20 02:32:17 UTC  

But anyhow it wasn't from listening to Jesse's show that I came to salvation, but everything he says lines up with how I found the light and how to save young men from this fate

2020-04-20 02:33:13 UTC  

I'm not sure how to begin the process of forgiveness in a manner that would give me satisfaction and closure on the issues

2020-04-20 02:33:26 UTC  

Do you pray?

2020-04-20 02:33:46 UTC  

I've never forgiven my mother yet but I just grew closer to my father

2020-04-20 02:33:57 UTC  

Great, 1/2

2020-04-20 02:34:08 UTC  

Not often but I've been getting more into it

2020-04-20 02:34:22 UTC  

What do you do when you pray?

2020-04-20 02:34:52 UTC  

I'd love to start going to church again but our Constitution is being burned right now

2020-04-20 02:35:09 UTC  

Well at least we have Discord to fellowship on :)

2020-04-20 02:36:15 UTC  

Honestly I just kind of fold my hands and bow my head and say dear god and say thanks for stuff I'm grateful for

2020-04-20 02:36:47 UTC  

I was baptized Lutheran but I haven't gone to church since I was a kid so a lot of it is foreign to me

2020-04-20 02:38:49 UTC  

Great. I learned how to pray by following Jesse Peterson's Silent Prayer video on YouTube

2020-04-20 02:39:12 UTC  

But it's not a prayer, it's praying

2020-04-20 02:39:20 UTC  

I'll give it a watch, thanks g

2020-04-20 02:39:23 UTC  

What you say when you say'dear God' is a prayer

2020-04-20 02:39:50 UTC  

and then afterwards you may pray, in stillness, in the prayer closet, bringing thoughts into captivity & allow the Holy Spirit to reveal things to you

2020-04-20 02:41:51 UTC  

Sounds familiar to meditation

2020-04-20 02:42:13 UTC  

Similar, rather

2020-04-20 02:43:00 UTC  

Similar sure but meditation isn't humility under God that I know of. I have never been taught as such.

2020-04-20 02:43:29 UTC  

I tried meditating my whole life & it didn't do much for me. But praying with how Jesse peterson teaches it helped me straight away

2020-04-20 02:44:05 UTC  

The process is similar is all, it engages the same part of your brain

2020-04-20 02:44:24 UTC  

Ahh perhaps

2020-04-20 02:44:38 UTC  

One is tied to god as far as I'm concerned, meditation is just an interesting trick of the mind on the other hand

2020-04-20 02:44:51 UTC  

Sure sounds right

2020-04-20 02:46:09 UTC  

Like if I meditate for awhile sometimes I see a large shifting purple/magenta shape that moves and gyrates like a cloud

2020-04-20 02:46:29 UTC  

In what would be the center of my vision if my eyes were open

2020-04-20 02:46:32 UTC  

Yep your mind's eye

2020-04-20 02:46:52 UTC  

That's part of it

2020-04-20 02:47:33 UTC  

My understanding is that the pineal gland produces DMT which allow you to see imagery just as in dreams

2020-04-20 02:47:39 UTC  

It's interesting when I do it but it doesn't really do anything for me besides being an interesting phenomenon

2020-04-20 02:47:50 UTC  


2020-04-20 02:48:08 UTC  

Sure. But doing whilst seeking God may allow the Holy Spirit to work with you

2020-04-20 02:48:26 UTC  

Ah true

2020-04-20 02:59:55 UTC  

@Mr. Badger Yeah, just construed in a way that wasn't Christian.

2020-04-20 03:01:43 UTC  

@NonDrip Ahh interesting! I didn't know any spirituality until I first prayed. I just looked at the world as if it was purely physical.