Message from @Sean 🏜

Discord ID: 790105367694409779

2020-12-20 06:29:21 UTC  

so u agree eating too many big macs can lead to death

2020-12-20 06:29:56 UTC  

eating too many at once, yea, if you eat a big mac as a meal though it will not lead to death

2020-12-20 06:30:45 UTC  

just like having too much gay sex at once will get you AIDS and kill you

2020-12-20 06:31:28 UTC  

no, being a sexual abuser period will lead you to the lake of fire, same with being a whore, better repent and never have sex or sexually abuse people again

2020-12-20 06:31:39 UTC  

lake of fire is death

2020-12-20 06:31:43 UTC  


2020-12-20 06:31:48 UTC  

so it leads to death

2020-12-20 06:31:53 UTC  


2020-12-20 06:32:08 UTC  

so they're both lifestyles that lead to death

2020-12-20 06:32:32 UTC  

no they're not lifestyles because it's not a way that you live life

2020-12-20 06:33:03 UTC  

eating too many big macs at once is a bad way that you waste life which accelerates death

2020-12-20 06:33:04 UTC  

you're not supposed to do the stuff, people are not supposed to be faggots and whores

2020-12-20 06:33:25 UTC  

yea overdosing on big macs is not a lifestyle either

2020-12-20 06:33:42 UTC  

you're not supposed to overdose on stuff

2020-12-20 06:34:16 UTC  

but even if it doesn't kill you immediately if you have enough just below the overdose threshold and do that daily it will accelerate your death

2020-12-20 06:35:11 UTC  

no that's ridiculous, you can eat food, God clearly made man in a way that man can eat food

2020-12-20 06:35:30 UTC  

not all food is equal

2020-12-20 06:35:39 UTC  

just the same that God clearly made man and woman to be One for life

2020-12-20 06:36:03 UTC  

sinful lust can still occur in a heterosexual marriage

2020-12-20 06:36:03 UTC  

food is just food, you're allowed to eat food

2020-12-20 06:36:39 UTC  

you're allowed to eat food but ur body is a temple of the Holy Spirit which is why paul said to not defile it

2020-12-20 06:37:25 UTC  

it's not sinful to have your One and stay together for life. the sins of the sexual nature are when you're fuckign multiple people (fornication), cheating on your one (adultery), or committing sexual abuse (homosexuality, zoophilia, etc.) and all of these are highly evil because it spits in the face of love

2020-12-20 06:37:58 UTC  

those are all evil but also lusting after ur wife in a dirty way can still be sinful

2020-12-20 06:38:17 UTC  

it is written to not give thought to what you eat by Paul, it is also written that what you eat does not defile you

2020-12-20 06:38:44 UTC  

you can't lust after your wife, that's ridiculous as hell, your wife is your wife

2020-12-20 06:39:08 UTC  

yeah but he's saying that a certain type of food like a meat isn't inherently bad...but overeating or eating garbage regularly is defiling the temple of God

2020-12-20 06:39:12 UTC  

you can lust after ur wife

2020-12-20 06:39:16 UTC  

you're supposed to be pleased with your wife

2020-12-20 06:39:39 UTC  

you can't lust after your wife because your wife belogns to you

2020-12-20 06:41:30 UTC  

that's like saying you can steal your own money, it's ridiculous

2020-12-20 06:41:50 UTC  

no it isn''s like saying you can use your money for greedy purposes

2020-12-20 06:42:24 UTC  

you can't be greedy to take your own money lol, you al lready own your money

2020-12-20 06:42:47 UTC  

the whole bible warns against being a lover of money

2020-12-20 06:43:09 UTC  

i know, i am just using an analogy

2020-12-20 06:43:27 UTC  

i disagree with the analogy

2020-12-20 06:43:28 UTC  

the point is you cannot covet what you all ready have

2020-12-20 06:43:41 UTC  

Almighty, supreme being, the colored man is the true European, ran through his cave, walked him miles through hot sand until he savagely tore his garments and ran

2020-12-20 06:43:43 UTC  

you can abuse what you already have

2020-12-20 06:44:03 UTC  

yea now that is true

2020-12-20 06:44:12 UTC  

you're not supposed to abuse your wife

2020-12-20 06:44:41 UTC  

having sex with only your One and enjoying her beauty is not abusing her