Message from @ClownShoes

Discord ID: 790708599030153246

2020-12-21 22:29:11 UTC  

Barbara Johns an evil lesbian buddy

2020-12-21 22:29:24 UTC  

No, he said he couldn't turn his back on Virginia, his people. So he was not a traitor

2020-12-21 22:29:27 UTC  

You sound like a libtard

2020-12-21 22:29:42 UTC  


2020-12-21 22:30:00 UTC  

no, he still committed sedition and treason which is defined in the US Constitution as levying war against the USA

2020-12-21 22:30:36 UTC  

Lincoln launched an unconstitutional war. Also Lincoln, like Biden did not really win the election

2020-12-21 22:30:48 UTC  

no Lincoln did not, Lincoln was the duly elected President of the United States of America, the first Republican President and the founder of the Republican Party

2020-12-21 22:30:55 UTC  

Republicans sucked back then

2020-12-21 22:31:07 UTC  

no, this is the actual history

2020-12-21 22:31:11 UTC  

But they aren't much better now. They all turn against Trump

2020-12-21 22:31:13 UTC  

No, it's not real history

2020-12-21 22:31:53 UTC  

Lincoln was not duly elected

2020-12-21 22:31:58 UTC  

Unless Jews put him in there

2020-12-21 22:32:03 UTC  

Lincoln did not launch the war, the Old South started the war. Angered at a Republican becoming President they began to raid US mints and federal property, culminating in their illegal secession and attack on Fort Sumter

2020-12-21 22:32:18 UTC  

No, Lincoln was the one who sent troops to invade the Southern soil

2020-12-21 22:32:45 UTC  

"Let the South go? Where will we get our revenue"- LINCOLN

2020-12-21 22:32:51 UTC  

no, the Secessionist South attacked Fort Sumter and other federal properties first, to which the response was to send troops to quell the rebellion

2020-12-21 22:33:10 UTC

2020-12-21 22:33:18 UTC  
2020-12-21 22:33:22 UTC  
2020-12-21 22:33:40 UTC  

BETA males communicate in memes

2020-12-21 22:33:54 UTC  

Robert E. Lee was a great man. Anyways, they're going after Lincoln too, so what good does it do to argue about a 150 year old war

2020-12-21 22:34:22 UTC  

Lincoln was garbage president but I don't want to see his monument removed either

2020-12-21 22:34:57 UTC  

Robert E Lee, despite siding with the traitors, wasa decent general in an objective military history standpoint, yes, and again it is often overlooked, but after the Civil War he was of the Confederate elites one that was more open to reconciliation and was helpful in the Reconstruction and reconciliation process

2020-12-21 22:35:18 UTC  

He did not side with traitors

2020-12-21 22:35:24 UTC  

But everything else you said is correct

2020-12-21 22:35:35 UTC  

Are you going up to DC on January 6th?

2020-12-21 22:35:38 UTC

2020-12-21 22:36:27 UTC  

probably not, but actually that reminds me i have to call and see if i am going out there to colelct my Q4 payment or if they come here

2020-12-21 22:37:17 UTC  

You black??

2020-12-21 22:37:29 UTC  

One last ride

2020-12-21 22:37:36 UTC  

Jan 6

2020-12-21 22:39:18 UTC  

It feels good to be white ngl

2020-12-21 22:41:00 UTC  

same here

2020-12-21 22:41:04 UTC  

well they're coming here

2020-12-21 22:41:32 UTC  

I was going to go but I will stay home and pray

2020-12-21 22:42:13 UTC  

yea, if they were gonna act they should done it at the Million MAGA march when they had over 100,000 people on the street, too late now

2020-12-21 22:42:14 UTC  

What’s the big deal about that statue anyways? It’s not like your “white privilege” will be damaged or anything

2020-12-21 22:42:38 UTC  

southerners are a lil different lol

2020-12-21 22:44:12 UTC  

I thought white supremacy was the salvation of the country? Surely that can’t be damaged on one statue

2020-12-21 22:45:54 UTC  

lol never heard that one