Message from @codyhere2004

Discord ID: 786851469760135219

2020-12-11 06:51:25 UTC  

The more I have thought about it honestly even if the parties were reversed I would have been of the mind that SCOTUS needs to take this case. To me this isn't about Republicans and Democrats, Trump or Biden this is about rule of law and the Constitution.

And given all that SCOTUS is very unlikely to reverse the election. Even if they ruled the changes in each state violated the Constitution. Because it would be difficult to know which votes are legitimate and which were not. They aren't going to directly disenfranchise that many voters. However, they could still issue a ruling that all further elections including the upcoming run offs in GA have to use the election laws that have been Constitutionally passed by the individual legislatures with no modifications. They could also rule that the voter roles need to be evaluated and purged of persons who are not eligible for absentee/mail-in ballots. And they could issue guidance to prevent something similar from happening in the future.

All of which is far more important for the integrity of our elections. And would go a long way to calm everything down and regain the unity of the United States.

I am not a lawyer, but am a former LEO so I do understand some pieces of the law and I do find the law and legal principles interesting, which is why I am here. I'd be happy to hear some other opinions about this, preferably without all the political rhetoric or ad hominem. Just for the sake of sanity if nothing else.

2020-12-11 06:56:10 UTC  

First of all thank you for your service. The Supreme Court is not deciding to overturn the election. If they side with Texas they will hand it over to the legislators in those states to choose their electors.

2020-12-11 06:57:59 UTC  

That would be tantamount to overturning the election.

2020-12-11 06:58:38 UTC  

Not if those electors cast their votes for Biden

2020-12-11 06:59:16 UTC  

All 4 states have a majority Republican if I understand correctly.

2020-12-11 06:59:35 UTC  

Yeah but their could be some break always

2020-12-11 07:00:01 UTC  

Some states republicans only have a 1-2 majority over the Dems

2020-12-11 07:00:24 UTC  

Also they can decide not to cast their electors if SCOTUS sides with Texas

2020-12-11 07:02:17 UTC  

True thought. If scotus overturn election, this NOT separation of power

2020-12-11 07:03:38 UTC  

If they side with Texas they won’t be deciding the election or overturning it. It would be saying that those states conducted their elections illegally and the states legislators will have to decide how to cast their electors.

2020-12-11 07:03:38 UTC  

@codyhere2004, you just advanced to level 4!

2020-12-11 07:03:45 UTC  


2020-12-11 07:04:18 UTC  

I agree. Scotus should not over step power then constitution is useless

2020-12-11 07:04:57 UTC  

Scotus has jurisdiction when there is conflict between states.

2020-12-11 07:05:19 UTC  

Scotus just needs to clarify

2020-12-11 07:05:37 UTC  

Maybe, my thought was that the guidance might actually be the best outcome. I am not looking forward to the next 4 years with a Biden/Harris administration but with the guidance in place to prevent this from happening again would be best.

As an ardent 2A supporter I am actually borderline dreading it. Especially if SCOTUS refuses to hear this case and does nothing since there is nothing preventing them from doing it again in the GA run off and getting a 50/50 split in the senate.

2020-12-11 07:06:03 UTC  

Rewrite constitution as little as possible

2020-12-11 07:06:08 UTC  

It allows redress between states so that the United States is less likely to have a civil war.

2020-12-11 07:06:08 UTC  

@Darkangael, you just advanced to level 2!

2020-12-11 07:06:49 UTC  

Well the good thing is that alito and Thomas believe that the Supreme Court must hear cases between states.

2020-12-11 07:07:37 UTC  

Trump should win, but not at all cost. Preserve constitution where possible

2020-12-11 07:08:23 UTC  

I agree. I don’t think the Supreme Court should decide elections. It sets a bad precedent for our country.

2020-12-11 07:08:54 UTC  

When we give scotus power to twist constitution, it’s not always best for liberties

2020-12-11 07:09:51 UTC  

I doubt they will decide directly they will send it to legislators or if that fails it will go to Congress and Senate as set out in the Constitution.

2020-12-11 07:10:10 UTC  

When you present argument to scotus, it opens windows to remove freedoms

2020-12-11 07:10:28 UTC  

There is "no where possible." It needs to be full stop preserve unless it is properly amended by the US Congress or by Article 5 Convention of the States

2020-12-11 07:11:17 UTC  

They all quote scotus

2020-12-11 07:11:30 UTC  

When they change constitution

2020-12-11 07:11:53 UTC  

That’s why we need to win the senate run off in Georgia. Because if the election goes to congress and the Dems win both seats pence would have to cast a vote for himself and it would make him look bad.

2020-12-11 07:16:54 UTC  

That's 2 of 4 for certiorari... And I wish that at least one if not 2 of the liberal justices would also take the case as well... I am afraid that if only the conservative justices agree to hear it the left is going to cause issues over this.

2020-12-11 07:17:23 UTC  

Well more issues.

2020-12-11 07:18:23 UTC  

Detail interpretation of constitution is the same as a change of the constitution

2020-12-11 07:18:33 UTC  

A ruling, becomes a rule

2020-12-11 07:22:31 UTC  

Article 3 Section 2 says that the Supreme Court **SHALL** take the case

2020-12-11 07:26:08 UTC  

It says that the Supreme Court Shall have original jurisdiction... I don't know if it's a shall take the case.

2020-12-11 07:45:28 UTC  

It's too late at night for me to want to go look it up at the moment... I am about to head to bed... I have work in the morning.

2020-12-11 08:36:10 UTC  

@kennyb, you just advanced to level 1!

2020-12-11 08:38:31 UTC  

fraud only happens if Trump wins, russia russia never china

2020-12-11 08:46:01 UTC  

@Ghostdog that is a line from the Dems. Russia as with other Countries have always tried to influence our elections. But this year those states where problems and questionable numbers are out of, invited the possibility.