Message from @Neph (Nec) / Krystaps (War)
Discord ID: 773709984537116714
in Arizona
okay. And fuxk Discord too.
NYT has an EC view
what is so wrong with discord
NYT and WaPo haven't called Arizona yet
that's good
If you don't believe the AZ results go to the Secretary of State websites. The results are all there in black and white
Why such hostility for Discord?
It's a pretty good system, all-in-all.
doesnt trump win with PA and nevada?
it seems narrow but its possible
I think, yes, all things being equal, if AZ stays for Biden and Trump picks up PA, NV, NC, and GA, Trump wins by a hair
Because I'm on fucking Discord looking for useful information and it's not here. My hostility bar is low right now.
We are in unsure waters. No one has answers right now. These are strange times. All of us are frustrated.
also fair
Now THAT is sketchy.
Someone needs to explain how that happened. I agree.
how does biden manage to get thousands of votes over a time interval of 1?
when trump gets 0?
it doesnt make sense that it would be all biden votes in ONE instance
yeah fair
rob shared a tweet on the show from duck diover
if biden slowly overtook trump that would look more reasonable
i tried to look him up
and his account is suspended
i dont know what to even think about this
yeah same
im typically the type of person that wants definitive evidence before jumping to conclusion
but this is just so suspect
again they have a very clear lean
all the states that flipped to biden happen to be the ones where they stopped and resumed counting the votes...
seems as such