Message from @vfc alcutta

Discord ID: 786823562786373653

2020-12-11 05:02:19 UTC  

@Repeat Sky news Australia is like Fox America.. Pro Trump pro Republican

2020-12-11 05:02:58 UTC  

They are not as blind as Americans

2020-12-11 05:02:59 UTC  

Hunter Biden ambassador to Peru, known to Insiders has the Peruvian flake. He might also moonlight on the board of directors of one of those Peruvian cocaine manufacturing companies.

2020-12-11 05:03:20 UTC  

He has verifiable experience in cocaine.

2020-12-11 05:03:34 UTC  

Wasn't he kicked out of the military for selling cocaine?

2020-12-11 05:04:31 UTC  

He's a good boy.

2020-12-11 05:04:40 UTC  

@busillis selling maybe using it to

2020-12-11 05:05:00 UTC  

He's got experience... In the cocaine field

2020-12-11 05:05:31 UTC  

Never forget this Golden article from The NY Times this summer.

2020-12-11 05:06:23 UTC  

“Facebook’s chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg, told me in a brief interview on Saturday that he’s planning to brace his audience for the postelection period. He said the site planned a round of education aimed at “getting people ready for the fact that there’s a high likelihood that it takes days or weeks to count this — and there’s nothing wrong or illegitimate about that.” And he said that Facebook is considering new rules regarding premature claims of victory or other statements about the results.”

2020-12-11 05:07:10 UTC  

“Alex Padilla, the Democratic California secretary of state, suggested that television companies look to a Hollywood model: “You can’t think of Election Day as a single movie — you have to treat it as maybe a trilogy,” he said.”

2020-12-11 05:07:12 UTC  

@Repeat weird to see them being so Pro Trump.. they have to have an agenda for showing that kinda material

2020-12-11 05:08:41 UTC  


2020-12-11 05:11:41 UTC  

Mutual enemy of CCP

2020-12-11 05:13:41 UTC  

Did you see Canada PM Trudeau canceled China military training on behest of USA?

2020-12-11 05:13:59 UTC  

Oddly enough, RT has more accurate analysis in reporting.

2020-12-11 05:14:38 UTC  

Rt. Russian Television.. or CCP. Not reliable sources

2020-12-11 05:14:39 UTC  

1.) I kinda thought the same about your mental experiment.

2.) I think you over-estimate the intelligence of poll workers and poll watchers. The long hours are also pretty grueling. Another aspect in this is that this isn't like a little local race for whatever, but a race for President of the United States of America, and the tie-breaker in the Senate. We're talking trillions of dollars here, especially with respect to NGOs and foreign countries. Everyone wants what's best for them (outside of the US), and the best for them is Joe Biden. They own the guy, and his son, and his friends... I also disagree that the fraud has to be done all over the state. It really only needs to be done in those areas where maximum lack of scrutiny is available, which happen to coincide with densely populated counties like Wayne County, Fulton County, Philadelphia County, Milwaukee County, Maricopa County, etc. People move in and out of these areas frequently. Voter roles aren't well maintained. Had I wanted to cheat in the election in one of these areas that was passing out ballots like candy, it would be relatively simple to do so given the resources of the stakeholders.

3.) Allegedly the FBI is looking into Braynard's data, but I don't have much faith in them. I do think some running-down-of-the-leads would be important for the Trump campaign to invest time and money into, and perhaps they have, but just haven't said anything because they're waiting for their day in the SCOTUS?

2020-12-11 05:15:55 UTC  

My country tis of thee
Sweet land of liberty
Of Thee I sing
Land where my father's died
Land of the pilgrims pride
From every mountain side
Let freedom ring

2020-12-11 05:16:06 UTC  
2020-12-11 05:16:46 UTC  

“One nation, indivisible, under God” that is Texas oath

2020-12-11 05:17:08 UTC  

Is a very reliable source for CCP propaganda.

2020-12-11 05:17:15 UTC  

4.) The Equifax data was published about 3 days after the breach. That's all I'm going to say about that. As for determining if someone is unlikely to vote, it's not about doing any kind of complex analysis... "Just moved into my new home! (in another state)", or, "Just got accepted to whatever university! (in another state)", or "Prayers, please. Mom just died (on October 6th)"... Pretty simple queries for a company that makes a living doing that sort of thing... Like I said, in those densely populated counties, people come and go all the time. Did they register to vote? Did the state keep track of their movements? Did they update their voter registration? As Braynard shows, a lot of people left their votes open to anyone with that Equifax dataset, or basically anybody else with the right access to that sort of information.

5.) I mean, I deserved that, really. I like a little spice in my dialogue, though. Gets the blood pumping 🙂

2020-12-11 05:17:15 UTC  

“Indivisible”. Oath Texas made when rejoining Union

2020-12-11 05:18:34 UTC  
2020-12-11 05:19:26 UTC  

Reporting is more accurate and bipartisan in some instances and isn't slanted in one direction or the other.

2020-12-11 05:19:27 UTC  

Chinese people are innocent suppressed and our friend. CCP is the enemy

2020-12-11 05:20:24 UTC  


2020-12-11 05:20:43 UTC  

RT news is pro Trump, anti America.

Sky news U.K. is bipartisan & more accurate.

2020-12-11 05:21:27 UTC  

Not sure about sky news Australia.

2020-12-11 05:21:39 UTC  

Me either

2020-12-11 05:22:28 UTC  

@AdamS sky news saw them a few times i thought i was watching Hannity with an accent

2020-12-11 05:22:42 UTC  

Sky news U.K.?

2020-12-11 05:22:46 UTC  

CCP is about as close to Nazi Party

2020-12-11 05:23:02 UTC  


2020-12-11 05:23:25 UTC  

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United states of America... unto the republic for which it stands. One Nation UNDER GOD, INDIVISIBLE... WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR DEMOCRATS... I MEAN ALL! COME ON PATRIOTS! The real Patriots don't cheat. The ones in new England.... or the real ones with liberty in their veins. I love our republic. I love my country. And i love all of you.. even if we disagree. GOD bless you all.

2020-12-11 05:25:16 UTC  

@AdamS Sky Australian

2020-12-11 05:26:06 UTC  

@busillis scmp. I remember always watching weird videos they post about China... remember a video about a kid that got blow up.. because he threw fireworks in a manhole

2020-12-11 05:26:30 UTC  

Well said!