Message from @Repeat

Discord ID: 786866773210300437

2020-12-11 07:57:45 UTC  

My lead engineer lives in Abuja. I was having a one on one meeting with him the other day, and could barely hear him over the people shouting outside his house.

2020-12-11 07:58:12 UTC  

Mayan culture predicted this

2020-12-11 07:58:32 UTC  

The year of awaken

2020-12-11 07:58:51 UTC  

If you are into that kind of thing

2020-12-11 07:59:36 UTC  

idk but chichen itza was cool

2020-12-11 07:59:47 UTC  

It sure was

2020-12-11 08:00:21 UTC  

It's crazy, dude... One of my other engineers moved from Zimbabwe to South Africa back in Septemberish, and he was shitting his pants. Saw people getting murdered in the streets, and recorded a dude getting his eyeballs ripped out. The locals, apparently, didn't want people from Zim/Nigeria coming to take their jobs...

2020-12-11 08:00:53 UTC  

And all of that flared up out of nowhere.

2020-12-11 08:01:22 UTC  

You know about the Chinese drugs too?

2020-12-11 08:01:34 UTC  

i met alot of guys from the Johannesburg police, their SWAT unit, they like go to war lol

2020-12-11 08:02:07 UTC  

Oh I have to find a good video about the Chinese drugs

2020-12-11 08:03:00 UTC  

"They" China, neolibs and the global order?

2020-12-11 08:03:05 UTC  

AFAICT this wasn't .mil over there... Just regular deadbeats collecting a paycheck without doing anything to earn it, murdering people that wanted SA opportunity.

2020-12-11 08:04:09 UTC  


2020-12-11 08:04:15 UTC  

Preferred pronouns....

2020-12-11 08:05:04 UTC  

I guess we missed wasn't 2012, but 2021? Oh, great...another year of near nervous breakdown for the majority of the global population.

2020-12-11 08:05:45 UTC  

They were off a little. Cut them slack

2020-12-11 08:06:40 UTC  

They transposed?

2020-12-11 08:06:47 UTC  

I don't believe that Germany story, even though people that know better say it happened... No friggin way something like this goes down and I don't hear about it second hand at worst.

2020-12-11 08:07:38 UTC  

Unsure but Twitter has some white hats on that

2020-12-11 08:08:19 UTC  

1:25 on that video -> "the fire fight", which I don't believe...

2020-12-11 08:08:55 UTC  

The CCP drug video?

2020-12-11 08:10:17 UTC  

What is going on in Eritrea? I was reading a tweet from a local that is basically claiming Biden and Rice are sourcing propaganda for an Ethiopia conflict. I mean, they aren't even official yet and already up to some money business.

2020-12-11 08:10:43 UTC  

The servers? The story started off with a random German tweet & was amplified by a Republican senator on Fox News. Germany would have been shouting it from the rooftops if the US army acted on sovereign territory.

2020-12-11 08:11:28 UTC  

Fentnyl and drug war?

2020-12-11 08:12:15 UTC  

Skip to the drug war 5:00 on video

2020-12-11 08:12:48 UTC  

I'm not sure about that. I'll look into it.

2020-12-11 08:13:01 UTC  

They learned from Biden...import drugs in Clintons Mena airport, make money off of drug ring, sign policy for stringent drug laws and jail them for life.

2020-12-11 08:13:49 UTC  

Yeah, well, one of your goofy brits is showing video of the raid, allegedly... Maybe you'll want to call the thought police on him for passing off fake news, eh?

2020-12-11 08:14:28 UTC  

Is this real news? I thought it was debunked

2020-12-11 08:15:22 UTC  


2020-12-11 08:16:09 UTC  

Some loser.

2020-12-11 08:16:30 UTC  

usaa link is news

2020-12-11 08:16:57 UTC  

I don't believe it. A friend of mine that I think would know thinks it actually happened, and some TX reps have said it happened, and Sidney Powell said it happened, but I don't think it actually happened...

2020-12-11 08:18:20 UTC  

American troops are already based in Germany they don’t need to take a domestic flight 🤦‍♂️ ridiculous...this person is defrauding the public. Probably has a cash app link on his website.

2020-12-11 08:18:38 UTC  

I mean, Louie Gohmert said it happened, but that he thought the "bad guys" got it, and Powell said "we got it"...

It's just such a stupid thing to think that you'd have an m134 going off in a major German city, along with all other kinds of ordnance, and a 50 sitting there drilling for minutes..... and that isn't international news?

How is that possible? It's not...

2020-12-11 08:19:15 UTC  

Get to the drug part

2020-12-11 08:19:22 UTC  

We would have known in London.

2020-12-11 08:19:33 UTC  

Drug part probably fake too?