Message from @SoonMrWick

Discord ID: 788296562517606460

2020-12-15 06:43:11 UTC  

I don't believe I would have done it. But I'm sure there is a variable that going into the video watching it already presents a bias outside the scope of the study. Has to be fully blind to the person actually making the decision.

2020-12-15 06:43:46 UTC  

I still don't think I would have done it.

2020-12-15 06:43:53 UTC  

That was the thing on why it would be unethical by today's standards is that the participants were not fully informed, but at the time they had to be

2020-12-15 06:44:08 UTC  

Had to be that way.

2020-12-15 06:44:17 UTC  

Otherwise its already a tampered result.

2020-12-15 06:44:37 UTC  

If he were to ask if they would do such a thing they would all say no absolutely not I would never deliver lethal shocks to another person

2020-12-15 06:44:38 UTC  

You'd know better.

2020-12-15 06:44:43 UTC  

Not even if I was told to

2020-12-15 06:45:20 UTC  

But from a psychological perspective the study proved that the use of the"scientist" figure allowed the participant to feel almost no guilt

2020-12-15 06:45:32 UTC  

yeah no way, but its scary

2020-12-15 06:45:47 UTC  

"Well it wasn't me doing this, I was just doing what I was told, he told me they would be fine"

2020-12-15 06:46:15 UTC  

I wear a mask because I don't find it morally compromising. But I do find it disturbing with the goal post moving because accept one thing then the next and next and next.

2020-12-15 06:46:19 UTC  

80% went all the way to the end of it

2020-12-15 06:46:43 UTC  

And that's how they get ya

2020-12-15 06:46:43 UTC  

@Discopainter, you just advanced to level 5!

2020-12-15 06:46:48 UTC  

That's how I mentally apply the mask to the milgrams experiment.

2020-12-15 06:47:18 UTC  

I'll look through this more later but I find this naive. First thing you learn when trying to model some complex mechanism (human behavior being about the most complex) is correlation does not imply causation. But this is precisely what they attempt here. Find some correlation that holds in the past and imply that should cause an effect now and thus if you don't see the effect fraud must have occurred. Second, they don't account for the possibility that something besides fraud might account for the difference in outcome. Take Arizona for example. Not only did they vote for Biden but they also voted for a Democratic Senator and by wider margin than for Biden. This was, no doubt, spurred on by Trump's dispute with John McCain (even after McCain's death) and Cindy McCain's endorsement of Biden and the Democratic Senator. John McCain was Arizona's beloved son and Trump trash talking him even after his death and McCain's widow endorsing Biden no doubt had a powerful effect on the vote. For the rest of the states, only GA regularly votes Republican (and the Dems narrowly lost the governor's race in 2018) so 2016 is really the outlier and 2020 represents a return to the norm. Note that their method tries to build a demographic model using all the counties from the country and then apply to these battle ground states but these states are the battle ground precisely because their demographics are not like the rest of the country. Lots of states are predictable and never close but not with these. Finally, 2020 is a unique year by any measure. Ask me in Jan who was going to win in a Biden versus Trump match-up and it was Trump hands down. Heck even last of March/first of April when Trump was holding daily meetings on the pandemic I would have predicted Trump. But by mid-summer, it was clear the tide had turned.

2020-12-15 06:47:31 UTC  

thats how it usually works, baby steps to tyranny.. old frog in the pot slowly boiling to death

2020-12-15 06:47:42 UTC  

The elements of conditioning the public are there and its seriously disturbing.

2020-12-15 06:48:28 UTC  

A simple piece of fabric isn't enough to stop a virus.

2020-12-15 06:49:06 UTC  

Is this basically not taking in consideration gerrymandering? To argue he should have won by number.

Like the electoral college vs popular vote argument?

2020-12-15 06:49:36 UTC  

If this is so deadly, why aren't we seeing homeless people dying in droves with no mask, hygiene or healthcare

2020-12-15 06:50:16 UTC  

The fact that we are being socially forced to wear a mask because "what the big deal" irritates me that much more personally

2020-12-15 06:50:18 UTC  

ivermectin prevents covid

2020-12-15 06:51:27 UTC  

they are using it here it works like 100%

2020-12-15 06:51:50 UTC  

I would not underestimate the impact of Trump letting Arizona hitler out of jail to run for office again among minorities where we saw him lose massively.

2020-12-15 06:51:51 UTC  

its not a cure it prevents infection, or helps in the early stages

2020-12-15 06:52:01 UTC  

The fact that people can't see that this is all a fear mongering power play is crazy to me

2020-12-15 06:52:25 UTC  

I'm also worried about how not deadly it is to be honost. That sounds weird but hear me out. What happens were we to face a virus that might actually call for the knee-jerk reaction to protect. We are going to have so many people in a hell no mentality now because we are exercising it in such a wrong way.... man there are so many consequences of the lockdown being ignored. Seriously. Domestic violence, suicide, depression, missed routine medical treatment up to and including cancer treatments. Even stress. Lol.

2020-12-15 06:52:53 UTC  

@Discopainter do some research

2020-12-15 06:53:05 UTC  

its like the boy who cried wolf, if theres a real scary pandemic ppl wont listen

2020-12-15 06:54:22 UTC  

ive trained multiple state and federal agencies in pandemic response, along with like CBRNE attacks, you quarantine the infected not the healthy, its a total failure of the protocol we trained them in

2020-12-15 06:54:42 UTC  

Yeah, I blocked sanctioned. The first person I've ever blocked based on the first message they sent. I feel very confident in that decision now.

2020-12-15 06:55:11 UTC  

what message was that?

2020-12-15 06:55:46 UTC  

It's not as easy to quarantine the injected when it transfers before you feel sick especially if your leader cant get his shit together on the science

2020-12-15 06:55:52 UTC  

it would have been good to have a plan

2020-12-15 06:56:23 UTC  

they have plans, it was trained and ingrained for decades, they did not follow it

2020-12-15 06:56:39 UTC  

Right. It was trumps fault the subway wasn't closed in New York. Totally. Nailed it.

2020-12-15 06:57:12 UTC  

when someone is confirmed to be infected you quarantine them, not send them home and hope they keep the honor system, u sure as hell dont send infected back to a nursing home lol