Message from @busillis

Discord ID: 791507459352166450

2020-12-24 03:14:33 UTC  

@skeeterburke, you just advanced to level 6!

2020-12-24 03:15:10 UTC  

FB & Twitter

2020-12-24 03:15:42 UTC  

🤷 Biden has been open and available since his record landslide victory. Trump cancelled all his work and been hiding since he lost the election like a little girl. Candidates dont have press briefings like the President elect. Treating COVID seriously seemed to work well at the polls.

2020-12-24 03:15:52 UTC  

Great idea Pelosi! I can get so many tickets at Chuck e cheese for 600 bucks!

2020-12-24 03:16:46 UTC  

And I see someone already started #Porkulus

2020-12-24 03:17:53 UTC  

Covid the disease that most people have a better chance of dying from anything else.

2020-12-24 03:20:19 UTC  

I don't even need a PRESCRIPTION to make my own colloidal silver and spray it EVERYWHERE

2020-12-24 03:20:37 UTC  

Countertops cutting boards kitchen towels....

2020-12-24 03:21:46 UTC  

LMAO - you're so POV is SOOO distorted - don't you remember Pelosi back in March talking about banning travel from China being xenophobic and then going to Chinatown in SF with NO social distancing and NO masks???? Wait - you also don't recall how Fauci said "Masks can be more dangerous if used incorrectly" but when Trump said that he was firebombed by the Leftist media who forgot what was actually said??? And how exactly was Biden doing something for Covid while calling LIDS EVERY SINGLE DAY AND AFTER EVERY SINGLE EVENT dodging questions during the ENTIRE campaign??? he couldn't get through a single interview or a single town hall (fake setup) without his ear piece and teleprompter - you MUST be joking.... Meanwhile - who's brainchild was the Operation Warp Speed? Who submitted the changes to the regulatory process to make it happen while Dems and the DNC Media Mob went on endlessly about how WE COULD NEVER HAVE A VIABLE VACCINE BEFORE THE END OF THE YEAR???

2020-12-24 03:23:32 UTC  

@2loki4u just remember to breathe and THANK GOD that Killary is not the POTUS 🤯🤯🤯

2020-12-24 03:24:21 UTC  

Every day I'm smh at all the duplicity around me

The word "disingenuous" comes to mind

2020-12-24 03:25:18 UTC  

A little intellectual honesty is that too much to ask? Follow me down the rabbit hole if you dare

2020-12-24 03:26:06 UTC  

Wow you love to gish gallop a big old load of shit dont you 💩 💩 💩 are you capable of staying on a topic or are you just constantly watching squirrels?

2020-12-24 03:26:12 UTC  

They simply spew rancid facts that bolster their talking points. @Dedkraken

2020-12-24 03:26:20 UTC  

GOD isn't that the TRUTH!!! Killary and her treasonous nonsense in Benghazi (btw - i am prior service)

2020-12-24 03:26:26 UTC  

But hey I get it, thinking is hard. Some people still believe Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK

2020-12-24 03:26:59 UTC  

They live in a different reality @2loki4u ... One where corporate Democrats are the left? @Dedkraken

2020-12-24 03:27:16 UTC  

it was a direct response to what you said - not going off track - you did lying about Biden's availability to take FILTERED questions by the DNCNN and MSDNC

2020-12-24 03:27:43 UTC  

@Dedkraken Hunter Biden for King...

2020-12-24 03:28:03 UTC  

@Dedkraken or at least the head of the DEA...

2020-12-24 03:28:15 UTC  

@2loki4u I can only conclude that some of these trolls are a pedo's final desperate attempt to avoid prosecution, cuz there is no logic to be had

2020-12-24 03:29:30 UTC  

Hunter Biden for Burger King

2020-12-24 03:30:33 UTC  

As long as Hunter Biden can wear the Burger King crown with the pimp staff I'm supportive of that.

2020-12-24 03:30:40 UTC  

I don't know about yall but it really encourages me to keep up the good fight, being around other patriots ❤

2020-12-24 03:30:51 UTC  

Do you even know what a "direct response" is? I say Trumps been hiding since the election you say "Biden months warp speed march Pelosi china town Benghazi xenophobic mask debate Fauci teleprompters town halls dnc travel mandate"? What is wrong with you 😂

2020-12-24 03:31:26 UTC  

👑🪠 there's no pimp staff emoji aorry

2020-12-24 03:31:58 UTC  

Nobody cares @Dedkraken you're spitting into the wind

2020-12-24 03:32:02 UTC  

@2loki4u when these thugs want you to have a thought they'll let you know... right @Dedkraken

2020-12-24 03:32:10 UTC  

Trump hasn't been hiding. He's been pardoning people, fighting the voter fraud, and making public announcements. Biden is the one dodging every question the AP asks about his son... all he talks about is fixing COVID, which Trump already took care of....

2020-12-24 03:32:13 UTC  

Dont get me wrong that was an impressive puke of bullshit

2020-12-24 03:32:20 UTC

2020-12-24 03:33:01 UTC  

@Dedkraken I don't mind a nice civil debate over beer and coffee but you post like you're 12

2020-12-24 03:33:09 UTC  

Get over yourself

2020-12-24 03:33:35 UTC  

You arent participating in debate

2020-12-24 03:33:50 UTC  

@Dedkraken's Homeboy with the new vid.

2020-12-24 03:33:55 UTC  

11 then

2020-12-24 03:33:57 UTC  

It's easier to hang in there when you know there are a lot of others who feel the same way you do... especially when there are also a lot of people out there saying that everyone is just conspiracy theorists.... like they can't see what's in front of their own eyes... or they're not looking for it. Right now you don't have to look far, so I'm assuming you believe what you want to believe.

2020-12-24 03:34:11 UTC  

And that's an insult to 11 year olds

2020-12-24 03:34:42 UTC  

Seems like a mature response skeeter 🙄