Message from @Gypsy

Discord ID: 792543921544364063

2020-12-27 00:01:46 UTC  

You alluded to the fact scotus did not do their job and that’s why conservatives are upset. So far there have been several state level Supreme Court cases and one two scotus cases. None of which did anything outside the law. All of which however were brought frivolous cases @Gypsy

2020-12-27 00:01:53 UTC  

@Gypsy they Hoodwinked their dumbass fans under the guise of equal rights for dolphin lesbian transsexuals.

2020-12-27 00:02:43 UTC  

This shit is hilarious

2020-12-27 00:03:19 UTC  

I didn’t allude, I was explicit. The fact is you didn’t know what administrative law was so you assumed I was talking about the cases related to voter fraud. Not only are you a know it all your incapable of self reflection or admitting fallibility.

2020-12-27 00:04:01 UTC  

Identity politics is scam and everyone, including center left liberals is getting sick of it. I don’t think they do well in the midterms

2020-12-27 00:04:08 UTC  

Totally unselfaware...

2020-12-27 00:04:29 UTC  

trumps ok with them.

2020-12-27 00:04:35 UTC  

They were cases regarding legislative action and inaction along with executive action in other states. @Gypsy

2020-12-27 00:04:46 UTC  

Thats a relief.

2020-12-27 00:04:53 UTC  

@Maw I feel like this proves my unspeakable claim correct though Maw 😂

2020-12-27 00:05:01 UTC  

Especially when they break it down to groups that hardly no one identifies with... It's all to create disunity.

2020-12-27 00:05:31 UTC  

I didn't know transgender dolphin people were under represented? FM

2020-12-27 00:05:40 UTC  

@Gypsy i never talks about fraud cases because sctous never dealt with fraud cases

2020-12-27 00:06:03 UTC  

It’s why Trump received 1/5 of the black male vote despite being a “Nazi”.

2020-12-27 00:06:04 UTC  

In fact I said many times that scotus was dealing with internal constitutional cases within a state @Gypsy

2020-12-27 00:06:04 UTC  

Black transgender people 1/2 of 1% of the black population maybe.

2020-12-27 00:06:06 UTC  

Build a camp and lock them all. Trump & Biden included.

2020-12-27 00:06:20 UTC  

Black people don't put up with it crazy shit they know better.

2020-12-27 00:06:35 UTC  

I am done talking to you after you called me a dumb ass. Your maturity level doesn’t warrant a conversation.

2020-12-27 00:06:54 UTC  

orange man reee ad hom ad hom

2020-12-27 00:07:05 UTC  


2020-12-27 00:07:34 UTC  

@james j Don't call people names again, I don't know how many times I've had to personally warn you about insulting other people, but it's quickly growing to the point of too much.

2020-12-27 00:07:41 UTC  

You are a dumb ass you keep saying that I was flaming about fraud cases when the whole time I was talking about scotus and Supreme Court cases. That’s fine further deflection to avoid actually showing that scotus did anything wrong @Gypsy

2020-12-27 00:07:50 UTC  


2020-12-27 00:07:55 UTC  

Just oblivious

2020-12-27 00:07:57 UTC

2020-12-27 00:08:04 UTC  

@Maw he started it

2020-12-27 00:08:08 UTC  

ad hom ad hom socialism good orange man reeee

2020-12-27 00:08:10 UTC  


2020-12-27 00:08:20 UTC  

Oh man, remember when I started it guys 😂

2020-12-27 00:08:30 UTC  

@Maw he keeps deflecting and avoiding the actual subject

2020-12-27 00:08:36 UTC  

@Maw and the big scheme of things what difference does it make they want to lock up anyone who doesn't think like them and re-education camp.

2020-12-27 00:09:00 UTC  

That's how most of them feel they just don't say it.

2020-12-27 00:09:30 UTC  

We aren’t conversing, we are being preached to 😂

2020-12-27 00:09:42 UTC  

insults are such a good way to get your point across IMO

2020-12-27 00:09:47 UTC  

ask CNN

2020-12-27 00:09:47 UTC  


2020-12-27 00:10:00 UTC  

These people are going to force people to think the way they want them to think.

2020-12-27 00:10:06 UTC  

Or else