Message from @SANCTIONED

Discord ID: 793601868857081877

2020-12-29 22:07:01 UTC  

Have you not been paying attention? guess where election fraud donations are going!?

2020-12-29 22:07:03 UTC  

Even on Trumps worst day, Nancy and Mitch are MUCH WORSE

2020-12-29 22:07:13 UTC  


2020-12-29 22:07:14 UTC  

@chuchomucho, you just advanced to level 8!

2020-12-29 22:07:19 UTC  

can't stand them either.

2020-12-29 22:07:32 UTC  

They both need to go

2020-12-29 22:07:41 UTC  

Maybe the gop leadership, last I checked Mitch McConnell is the one screwing over the American people. You know the guy conservatives keep electing @thebrodys

2020-12-29 22:07:51 UTC  

Nancy, needs to go home and eat that ice cream she’s so proud of

2020-12-29 22:07:53 UTC  

Mitch is a cuck

2020-12-29 22:07:58 UTC  

They all need to go

2020-12-29 22:08:00 UTC  

But Trump is much worse than even them in his abuse of power

2020-12-29 22:08:14 UTC  

how so?

2020-12-29 22:08:19 UTC  

@james j 😩 💩

2020-12-29 22:08:24 UTC  

Well these pardons for example @chuchomucho

2020-12-29 22:09:05 UTC  

Nope, Nancy and Mitch, have done FAR worse than the Presidents Pardons

2020-12-29 22:09:34 UTC  

The “Covid relief” bill they just did is a complete sham

2020-12-29 22:09:36 UTC  

Sure but I’m sure Trump supporters will just let this slide because they must not call out Trump because that would get you excommunicated from the church of trump

2020-12-29 22:09:54 UTC  

@thebrodys with out the GOP there would not be the cancer of trump.

2020-12-29 22:10:12 UTC  

You should thank them daily for your cartoon god @thebrodys

2020-12-29 22:10:15 UTC  


2020-12-29 22:10:44 UTC  

Trump supporters are not GOP supporters

2020-12-29 22:10:46 UTC  

The GOP are not the only reason President Trump, is President. The things the Dems AND the GOP have done created an environment for an outsider to come in

2020-12-29 22:10:59 UTC  

Trump bumped it up but will it pass in the Senate ?🤨

2020-12-29 22:11:06 UTC  

Has Trump broken 300 mil yet from scamming his supporters

2020-12-29 22:11:27 UTC  

how is he scamming them?

2020-12-29 22:11:27 UTC  

If you don’t think the dems are as dog shit as the GOP you are lying to yourself

2020-12-29 22:11:35 UTC  

@thebrodys they are the only clowns that would let him run in their party. No one else is as dumb

2020-12-29 22:11:40 UTC  
2020-12-29 22:11:47 UTC  

Donations are scamming

2020-12-29 22:12:06 UTC  

@chuchomucho by pocketing all that money for himself under the guise of “fighting in the courts”

2020-12-29 22:12:17 UTC  

Then just using it for personal use

2020-12-29 22:12:19 UTC  


2020-12-29 22:12:52 UTC  

Why would he pocket the Money? He didn't even take a paycheck for being POTUS 🇺🇸🔴⚪🔵

2020-12-29 22:12:53 UTC  

Well when you ask for donations for "election fraud" and keep it for the campaign.

2020-12-29 22:13:01 UTC  

CNN op-Ed

2020-12-29 22:13:02 UTC  

i just linked you to the article. or go to the campaign website.

2020-12-29 22:13:51 UTC  

“But the majority of that money is likely not going to any sort of legal account. Trump’s fundraising operation is instead sending it to a new political organization created by the president: a leadership PAC called Save America PAC, a type of vehicle popular with both parties on Capitol Hill but long derided by watchdogs as essentially a type of slush fund, with few restrictions on how the money they raise can be spent”


2020-12-29 22:14:06 UTC  

Politico op-Ed

2020-12-29 22:15:18 UTC  

my article was Reuters. if in doubt check out the campaign website, details fully listed.

2020-12-29 22:17:39 UTC  

Im reading it now, but looks like both parties do this. Not saying its ok but not worse then Dems and GOP