Message from @Dedkraken

Discord ID: 787567929582551080

2020-12-13 06:15:26 UTC  

The heist scenarios are clever and all but the number of folks willing to commit a felony for 1 vote and leading the cops to your home address is pretty minimal. We cant even get half the country to vote legally for 1 vote.

2020-12-13 06:15:59 UTC  

it's a balancing act ... let some election worker decide whether a signature is valid or not and that allows their bias to potentially come into play and throw out legitimate ballots ... put the checks on the application side and double check the information when the ballot is received is just a different way of ensuring election security ... maybe you don't like it but it's what they decided in PA

2020-12-13 06:16:30 UTC  


2020-12-13 06:16:30 UTC  

@English Remi, you just advanced to level 3!

2020-12-13 06:17:53 UTC  

It's been used as a way to disenfranchise 10s of thousands of legal voters but hasnt caught any tangible fraud. If the GOP did right by voters instead of trying to strip rights they couldnt have even won the case or needed to have a case.

2020-12-13 06:18:30 UTC  

not sure if you ask me ... I sign stuff all the time and one signature looks nothing like another ... I have to sign a screen with my finger when I buy stuff with a credit card ... had to sign on a screen with a Popsicle stick when I early voted in person

2020-12-13 06:18:42 UTC  

System design versus reality...

2020-12-13 06:19:08 UTC  

The reality is all of these platitudes mean nothing.

2020-12-13 06:20:23 UTC  

Useful idiots parenting the talking points of the elite.

2020-12-13 06:20:25 UTC  

A signature check from a minimum wage employee with no skill in handwriting analysis yields bad results.

2020-12-13 06:21:09 UTC  

No one discussing this topic had any primary or secondary sourced data.

2020-12-13 06:21:17 UTC  

It's all faith

2020-12-13 06:21:21 UTC  


2020-12-13 06:21:47 UTC  

That doesnt even get into bad faith gop poll observers that challenge every signature or lack of curing systems.

2020-12-13 06:22:36 UTC  

heck my smartphone with the power of Google software can't tell my fingerprint a fraction of the time ... think signature matching even with a machine is going to be any better ... especially when I had to sign a computer screen with a Popsicle stick?

2020-12-13 06:23:22 UTC  

That is absolutely correct. I do not believe that this would have made enough of a difference. I have said from the beginning (not here but in another circle) that if this election was decided illegitimately the bulk of the cheating mechanism would have been done by the IT systems. But what this signature business shows is a willingness to muddy the water, and to set aside integrity - people willing to cheat in minor dishonesties will turn a blind eye to the major. The best place to hide an effective conspiracy is behind one that is less effective ... debunk the one in front and all the energy is spent on that rather than on the one that worked. I could cite several examples of this, in other fields.

2020-12-13 06:28:13 UTC  

The only reason voting rights advocates fight for this in court and do well is GOP lead areas very intentionally dont have curing for ballots. So if you go through 100 ballots and decide 10 the signature was off because they didnt sign quite the same way or whatever they throw the vote away and dont tell the voter they lost their vote. This is used as a method to create voting suppression instead of have better voting integrity. Places with a curing system send a mail back to the voter alerting them there was a rpholem allowing them to correct the signature nor show up with photo ID to prove who they are.

They even used lack of curing in red counties in a lawsuit to try and erase votes that were cured in blue counties. They were legal votes which were corrected. Guiliani called them forgeries.

2020-12-13 06:31:52 UTC  

That is indeed what they decided - and that is what is wrong. There can be a stack of "doubtful" returns that are verified by a supervisor. Was there a history of worker bias rejecting good ballots?

2020-12-13 06:33:12 UTC  

I'm sure you get some amount of mistakes from employees. But the army of Karen observers is a larger issue that want to remove as many as possible with challenges

2020-12-13 06:33:46 UTC  

Partisan bad actors make the situation worse

2020-12-13 06:37:20 UTC  

Yes they were sued for it and this was the compromise they came up with ... All in an article you linked

2020-12-13 06:38:14 UTC  

@English Remi you live in PA?

2020-12-13 06:43:05 UTC  

Again, I think this is more smoke to get us looking away from the problem - the very notion of curing is a betrayal of the sanctity of the vote. It was encouraged in areas where politicians thought they had an advantage in doing so, and discouraged where politicians thought they did not. These should no more have been cured than election officials should check in-person ballots to make sure they have been completed correctly. You vote, you put the folded ballot in the box and that should be it. But let's play with the idea for a moment: given that this was only done to mail-in ballots, and that the preponderance of these would have come from Dem areas, the practice of curing is a de facto advantage to Dems. This would have been the case even if Reps had cooperated with this practice since a much lower proportion of their votes were cast in this way.

2020-12-13 06:49:51 UTC  

I'm not sure what you mean by curing is only for mailin ballots. If you go vote in person and your signature doesnt match what's on file they say hey your signature is wrong fix it. If theres a problem with your ballot you say hey I need a new ballot and fix it.

These are legal voters casting a legal ballot. If theres an issue and you let them fix it that improves voter integrity. That shouldn't be a partisan issue. Saying the GOP is right to try and invalidate legal votes is silly. But even if you do believe that the state Constitution protects those rights so they win in court.

2020-12-13 06:53:50 UTC  

They may not win in court but they could win a contingent election, that's the path to maximum mistrust in the system.

2020-12-13 06:54:56 UTC  

No I live in London, hence some of the delays in answering - we have to sleep and work too 😴 . The article I linked was not the one I wanted to link - when this came up originally several months ago I simply did not believe that a state would deliberately muddy the waters as to verification. I found a Pennsylvania law society review that was boasting about it as some sort of triumph. That is no longer available, or I cannot find it. I do not trust a system that does this sort of thing, and that system does not seem to care that I distrust it. And I am not alone in this. But as I said to Dedkraken, this is simply symptomatic of a lowering of integrity. It will not have made the bulk of the difference.

2020-12-13 06:55:03 UTC  


Next stop kraken 2 boogaloo


2020-12-13 06:56:07 UTC  

Memory hole...

2020-12-13 07:17:46 UTC  

Was it the application or the ballot that was cured? If the application, ok (EDIT: maybe, because you should pay attention to this as you do it). But if it is the ballot itself, that is a gross infringement of the sanctity of the vote - and to the point, one which advantages one side over another. If you turn up in person and your signature is wrong - does not match the one on your i.d. or that which is officially held, they should say: please leave, as you are not who you claim to be, imo. But you would not presumably be allowed to practice it until you got it right - as you would in the privacy of your own home, as well s time to dig up whatever other information you had incorrectly completed. In the UK badly completed ballots are simply termed spoiled. In France these are also counted and that count is returned so you can spoil a ballot as political statement. The system you have has provoked the mess that you have. And part of that mess is an untrustworthy result (#signatures). Another part is a partisan inequitable system (#curing) - which, again, would have been inequitable even if Reps had cooperated in this bizarre practice.

2020-12-13 07:41:02 UTC  

Yeah nobody is waiting in line 10 hours to vote to have someone say sorry your signature is slightly off try again later. Especially with the counties long history of folks intentionally barring people from voting when theres nothing wrong with their ID or signature. Especially minorities. You have a strange view of the reasons a legal vote should not be counted.

2020-12-13 07:45:48 UTC  

Hasn't caught fraud - you would need trials to assert that. Disenfranchised - a man who did not campaign scored more votes than any in history ahead only of Trump and you care about the franchisement of voters. It seems that your approval of the elimination of effective signature verification and of curing you essentially favour of decisions that favour your own bias.

2020-12-13 07:46:44 UTC  

Legal votes should be counted. That is the problem.

2020-12-13 07:50:05 UTC  

That is not the problem. One side wants to claim fraud wheres theres none. Suppress legal votes. Claim legal ballots are illegal. You assume everything is done equal when its not. You say if the signature is off they should tell you to leave. Barring that a person with zero handwriting analysis ability is not qualified to make that call what happens when you present your ID and sign your name and nothing is wrong and they still tell you to leave.

2020-12-13 07:52:07 UTC  

When that happens that should be prosecuted - the solution is not to change the rules to favour the other side. "anything you can cheat, we can cheat better" to misquote a song.

2020-12-13 07:55:10 UTC  

The rules are not changed to favor a side. Ideally they are improved to allow legal voters to cast a legal vote without having their rights taken away. Look at Jim Crow they designed a test under the guise of voter integrity that said if you can read you can vote. But what the test really did is said if you are black you cannot vote. This was considered legal not cheating. If you just say you cant remove that law it benefits liberals that's pretty screwed up.

2020-12-13 07:56:03 UTC  

My bias is maximum legal voter participation. If you are a citizen laws should not be designed to take your suffrage rights away.

2020-12-13 08:01:07 UTC  

Oh. Is that your only bias? - your bias is all over your name - not a dig at Powell?, your attributing to Trump contractor irregularities in the wall, your approval of the election of a man who did not campaign, who in practical terms has done huge harm to minorities, I could go on. The funny thing for me is that n 2016 I did not understand how the USA could have elected such a buffoon as I believed Trump to be. I have come to doubt that perspective because of the blatant bad faith and lack of self-awareness of those who cannot stand him.

2020-12-13 08:11:34 UTC  

Powell is a lunatic that believed in a massive conspiracy involving the CIA, Clinton foundation, hugo chavez, China, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, Biden, Bernie Sanders because why not, soros because you need a rich Jew, several different voting machines companies, communist money. She refused to provide a shred of evidence and said wait until you see the court case. She then expanded her claims to include charging far right Governor Kemp and those below him of capital crimes and working to rig the election. She provided again no evidence to back these serious criminal accusations.

When she filed her cases the entire conspiracy was based on shoddy technical work from so called experts that do not have the experience required to mount a case or were 3rd party. The primary witness which literally was the glue holding the crazy together had the least credible evidence and is likely facing perjury charges getting caught lying about the very experience used to claim credibility. Anyone that values the truth should desire seeing these travesties struck down in courts like the sad excuse for legal work they are.

2020-12-13 08:14:52 UTC  

Thanks for demonstrating your lack of bias. May I suggest camomile for your insomnia. I do love talking and funnily enough I think we could have a drink and some decent banter if we did not live thousands of miles apart, but I do have a day to get on with and I think you do need some sleep. I may check in again tomorrow. Over and out...

2020-12-13 08:20:31 UTC  

I am 100% biased against anyone that believes QAnon. If they can provide any proof that Democrats are pedophile baby eating literal demons and only a trump using Q level government clearance to fight against them and stopping covid a partisan viral weapon aimed at infecting Republicans I'd be interested in seeing it...failing that I see no reason give them the time of day or pretend they should be practicing law or being in Congress. They may complain and pretend all opinions are equal and they should be taken seriously but they should not.