Message from @PatriotPlaya

Discord ID: 795206201116721162

2021-01-03 08:15:29 UTC  

same reason trump picked pence

2021-01-03 08:15:46 UTC  

Ur speculating

2021-01-03 08:16:50 UTC  

pence is defiantly GOP establishment type. And biden has been pretty open about his corruption, not that anything will happen

2021-01-03 08:19:24 UTC  

Trump will drain the swamp

2021-01-03 08:20:43 UTC  

Alex Azar is a swamp monster — former president of Eli Lilly, yet Trump appointed him

2021-01-03 08:21:02 UTC  

Trump received $1 million from Big Pharma for his inaugural campaign

2021-01-03 08:21:05 UTC  

It’s a lie man

2021-01-03 08:21:44 UTC  

Trump makes 4d chess moves we can’t see all his appointees and pardons are for a reason

2021-01-03 08:21:57 UTC  

He can't do it alone and I don't think he has enough support to do it. There isn't some plan, people need to pay attention locally.

2021-01-03 08:22:22 UTC  

That’s just blind faith man

2021-01-03 08:22:37 UTC  

I support Trump, too, but I realise when Some things just cross the line

2021-01-03 08:23:01 UTC  

I love that man he’s the greatest president since founding fathers

2021-01-03 08:23:32 UTC  

Maybe he is, I am just disappointed he won’t have a 2nd term

2021-01-03 08:23:40 UTC  

You think he will?

2021-01-03 08:23:43 UTC  

I get it, we wish people were just good and the good guys won. Life isn't like that and people play dirty

2021-01-03 08:23:55 UTC  

The dems crossed the line when they cheated

2021-01-03 08:24:10 UTC  

Yeah, he has a good point. This isn’t some movie where the good guys win in the end

2021-01-03 08:24:18 UTC  

They have been expanding for decades look at CA mail in ballots

2021-01-03 08:24:51 UTC  

also republicans probably cheat too.

2021-01-03 08:25:05 UTC  

Place your bets. Will Trump be inaugurated on January 20th? I’m saying no

2021-01-03 08:25:32 UTC  

Yes he will

2021-01-03 08:25:43 UTC  

It is hard to tell, the rules are so loose that it is hard to find. Dirty roles, bad signature verification rules, voter id laws, and corrupt locals allow it

2021-01-03 08:26:20 UTC  

Have faith in the plan

2021-01-03 08:26:22 UTC  

I wish man

2021-01-03 08:26:38 UTC  

What plan lol. You’re putting too much trust in this Q guy

2021-01-03 08:26:49 UTC  

I will yell about the system to whoever listens but I am against a machine.

2021-01-03 08:26:50 UTC  

The cheating dems

2021-01-03 08:27:22 UTC  

By what mechanism can Trump be re-elected?

2021-01-03 08:27:24 UTC  

please realize republicans aren't clean

2021-01-03 08:27:24 UTC  

It’s the dems long evil plan Hilary the bitch

2021-01-03 08:28:10 UTC  

And I mean something likely that doesn’t need Dem approval

2021-01-03 08:28:13 UTC  

Bush, Romney, McCain were all corrupt in their own special ways

2021-01-03 08:28:27 UTC  

especially the bushes.

2021-01-03 08:28:42 UTC  

Trump is making moves we don’t know about. You’ll see all this to date has been gaining momentum he will be inaugurated come Jan 20

2021-01-03 08:28:57 UTC  

So you don’t know...

2021-01-03 08:29:21 UTC  

That’s why we need trump to drain the swamp

2021-01-03 08:29:24 UTC  

If state legislatures do nothing, nothing will happen. Whether something happens rests with them. So far, they’re chickening our

2021-01-03 08:29:34 UTC  

He had 4 years to do that. Hasn’t done it

2021-01-03 08:30:23 UTC  

I don't doubt he is trying something. I am glad he is fighting against the machine. We will see what happens.

2021-01-03 08:30:33 UTC  

What machine

2021-01-03 08:30:34 UTC  

@AOH_Assassin, you just advanced to level 12!