Message from @PatriotPlaya

Discord ID: 795207949923647508

2021-01-03 08:27:22 UTC  

By what mechanism can Trump be re-elected?

2021-01-03 08:27:24 UTC  

please realize republicans aren't clean

2021-01-03 08:27:24 UTC  

It’s the dems long evil plan Hilary the bitch

2021-01-03 08:28:10 UTC  

And I mean something likely that doesn’t need Dem approval

2021-01-03 08:28:13 UTC  

Bush, Romney, McCain were all corrupt in their own special ways

2021-01-03 08:28:27 UTC  

especially the bushes.

2021-01-03 08:28:42 UTC  

Trump is making moves we don’t know about. You’ll see all this to date has been gaining momentum he will be inaugurated come Jan 20

2021-01-03 08:28:57 UTC  

So you don’t know...

2021-01-03 08:29:21 UTC  

That’s why we need trump to drain the swamp

2021-01-03 08:29:24 UTC  

If state legislatures do nothing, nothing will happen. Whether something happens rests with them. So far, they’re chickening our

2021-01-03 08:29:34 UTC  

He had 4 years to do that. Hasn’t done it

2021-01-03 08:30:23 UTC  

I don't doubt he is trying something. I am glad he is fighting against the machine. We will see what happens.

2021-01-03 08:30:33 UTC  

What machine

2021-01-03 08:30:34 UTC  

@AOH_Assassin, you just advanced to level 12!

2021-01-03 08:30:52 UTC  


2021-01-03 08:31:10 UTC  

I posted all the breadcrumbs on the other chat trump leaving Florida early. Pence flight disappears of radar even though he had fighter escort and the pence hand shake exchange we all saw it

2021-01-03 08:31:16 UTC  

Trust the plan

2021-01-03 08:31:44 UTC  

You talk about a plan but can’t give specula

2021-01-03 08:31:49 UTC  


2021-01-03 08:32:09 UTC  

You’re repeating Q-isms

2021-01-03 08:32:29 UTC  

Standby for the 6th

2021-01-03 08:32:50 UTC  

pretty sure Q was a meant to discredit conspiracies like alex jones

2021-01-03 08:32:56 UTC  

President Trump supports Q he knows more about Q

2021-01-03 08:33:04 UTC  

Give grains of truth and mix it with poison information

2021-01-03 08:33:35 UTC  

What will happen on the 6th? Dump of more evidence? Sure. Report about foreign interference? Sure. Will Dems vote to approve objections? No

2021-01-03 08:33:35 UTC

2021-01-03 08:33:53 UTC  

Love that mueller pic

2021-01-03 08:33:59 UTC  

We will take power

2021-01-03 08:34:16 UTC

2021-01-03 08:34:18 UTC  

How? Violence?

2021-01-03 08:35:17 UTC  

The President has a plan follow it we are patriots

2021-01-03 08:35:36 UTC  

W.e. trump has planned and does, this process should awaken enough people that they need to fight for control. Normy Republicans are finally waking up again to the corruption of police that will just follow orders of the system.

2021-01-03 08:36:16 UTC  

They are corrupt trump has done so much for this country

2021-01-03 08:37:01 UTC

2021-01-03 08:37:52 UTC  

He’s the only President to stand up to China iran Russia

2021-01-03 08:38:13 UTC  

He left his life for this swamp

2021-01-03 08:38:54 UTC  

The system is stacked. education, big tech, and media have been lost. The courts favor government and big corporation over the individual. And politicians sell us out to the highest bidder. You can try you best to change things locally but just trusting some plan is silly

2021-01-03 08:42:31 UTC  

Believing is never silly. Trump hasn’t quit nor should you if you believe.

2021-01-03 08:42:52 UTC  

Whistle blowers and good people have died or been exiled fighting against the corruption. And the system fights dirty. Every militia is on a list, tax code is used as a weapon, and laws are used to destroy resistance. Life is good enough that most people are apathetic.

2021-01-03 08:44:29 UTC  

Yes @Swaye

2021-01-03 08:45:45 UTC  

He’s the greatest