Message from @SANCTIONED

Discord ID: 795388238860517376

2021-01-03 19:56:58 UTC  

@SANCTIONED y'all just keep silent from here on out.... Pro tip don't snort the breadcrumbs they are hell one sinuses.

2021-01-03 20:13:52 UTC  

took me a while to find, watching hours of testimony was too much

2021-01-03 20:18:15 UTC  

yah I listened isn't that bad. He thinks it is like 100k and well over the clip people are sharing.

2021-01-03 20:21:36 UTC  

Except you know, that's now how the law works.

2021-01-03 20:21:58 UTC  

are you want to go on the defense?

2021-01-03 20:22:54 UTC  

it wasn't very damning but w.e. hear what you like

2021-01-03 20:23:16 UTC  

@Maw would you agree he's attempting to steal the election?

2021-01-03 20:23:17 UTC  

It would be damning if he didn't think there was fraud

2021-01-03 20:23:46 UTC  

Depends on if he believes he lost or not, and the dude has some pretty out-there beliefs.

2021-01-03 20:24:33 UTC  

not based on the audio alone, along with all context surrounding it? he definitely has crazy beliefs but he said the same thing before the election in 2016 & 2020...he laid the ground work both times.

2021-01-03 20:25:21 UTC  

Gotta remember, this is Trump's defense mechanism, I'm almost positive he believes he won but was cheated.

2021-01-03 20:25:36 UTC  

He **hates** losing, so he'll make up any excuse to make him feel better.

2021-01-03 20:26:37 UTC  

is that not the same as attempting to steal the election?

2021-01-03 20:27:18 UTC  

Personally I do feel intent has a big say in this, like a lot of things in law.

2021-01-03 20:27:26 UTC  

Good faith and bad faith, etc.

2021-01-03 20:27:36 UTC  

It's exceptionally difficult to prove bad faith.

2021-01-03 20:27:49 UTC  

i definitely see intent

2021-01-03 20:28:46 UTC  

I think you give him too much credit.

2021-01-03 20:28:53 UTC  

it's difficult to prove in the court of law not the court of public opinion and he's done good job convincing me. i'll let him continue and r-present my case in couple of weeks

2021-01-03 20:29:01 UTC  

He is probably going off of Jovan Pulitzer testimony

2021-01-03 20:30:22 UTC  

it's always Trump first, I've never seen anyone fight so hard for a job he has no interest or frankly, capability of doing.

2021-01-03 20:30:38 UTC  

He was able to get the GA senate to agree to allow him to audit Fulton county mail and claimed that shredding trucks were there as soon as it passed

2021-01-03 20:31:10 UTC  

Sure, but Trump hates losing, and him admitting defeat would be counter to his thoughts on people losing.

2021-01-03 20:31:39 UTC  

So I'm almost sure he's made some mechanism to avoid calling himself a loser -- AKA: This entire 'election was a fraud' idea.

2021-01-03 20:33:15 UTC  

Just so he never has to actually concede, nor feel like he does. I'm almost positive he believes and latches onto anything to support this theory.

2021-01-03 20:33:54 UTC  

Maw you didn't respond about the panel

2021-01-03 20:34:10 UTC  

I did, I said this isn't how the law works.

2021-01-03 20:34:24 UTC  

What she's claiming would be illegal.

2021-01-03 20:34:42 UTC  

so you see nothing wrong with 1 Republican, 1 Democrat, & 2 League of Women Voters

2021-01-03 20:34:55 UTC  

I do, hence saying if this was the case it'd be illegal!

2021-01-03 20:35:18 UTC  

so what should happen to those votes if what she said is true?

2021-01-03 20:35:35 UTC  

I don't think it's true, it's up to her to prove it is. Not me to prove it isn't.

2021-01-03 20:35:41 UTC  

He can do that publicly as he has been doing and have impact on his followers believe it (which he successfully has done) but making calls to governors, legislators, and all the rest can amount to intent....i would say he's attempting to steal the election as much as he doesn't want to be a loser.

2021-01-03 20:36:12 UTC  

wasn't the question

2021-01-03 20:36:33 UTC  

Your disagreement to the premise is noted

2021-01-03 20:36:34 UTC  

That would imply that he'd actually have to feel like a loser, I don't think he does. I think that's catastrophic to his worldview.

2021-01-03 20:37:15 UTC  

My disagreement lays on the fact that it would be illegal and someone would have been charged for that/arrested for that during the GBI investigation.

2021-01-03 20:37:38 UTC  

lol nm

2021-01-03 20:37:43 UTC  

we differ on this one...i have faith, his continued actions will convince you otherwise.