Message from @Hyperactive
Discord ID: 795463717739167805
thats how i wanna go down
why can’t i
youve said it yourself
social anxiety:P
you cant do relationships irl
imagine Britney being fucking anxious
i could i just choose not to
yes wag
how many VCards you think I have
hello @you
@you Hallo
too many
I dont know exactly on my body count or VCard count
but i wanna say 11
that doesnt count people who didnt tell me
i have standards
i have tinder
and a car
lol imagine having standards and not just fucking everything
and clearly the will to fuck any living thing
im not that degenerate :)
nah i have standards but i dont shoot for anything high cause i just could care less
if im only using you for ass
then idc what your face looks like
call me mean
if you want
but im spitting facts
well as ive said b4
i could actually lose my virginity
most girls I'm friends with I've known for ages so it'd be weird
i just don’t want to
oOoOo ok
beat my record britney or your a bitch ass