Message from @ZONOGAM
Discord ID: 795106729464954891
Who made this
I don't know
Find me answers dammit!
I had it on one of my telegram channels tho i forgot from which.. then @Gerjrgi posted it and I stole it.
@Flops stop posting cochroaches <:ree:689862398169186458> <:ree:689862398169186458> <:ree:689862398169186458>
cockroach time ?
If you believe in God put this on 5 discord server. Don't just ignore this because it says in the Bible if you deny Christ, He will deny you in front of his son in the gates of Heaven. This is the simplest test. If you love God and you are not ashamed of it, copy and paste it on 5 discord server
i don't need to prove my belief in Him with a copypasta, the fact that He is a part of my life is enough
What's the context behind this video
@hydatius200 Police in Gatineau Quebec invade a family's home and assault the residents for having a gathering of six people.
God I hate the conservatard love of police. Down with The State. Fuck the military too
You kinda need manpower
You can back it but not blindly..
We need our own paramilitary
Tho I wouldn't back it anymore
We need 20 Hitlers..
We need our own SA
And SS
The ones succeeding
Ye something like SA and SS
We need to repeat Saint H's roadmap
This time its the US leading the charge
They gotta unzog first
And redpill europe by doing so
Paul Miller will be the leader of the SA
So we can unzog .. uncuck and free ourselves
Paul Miller is a mutt