Message from @Erythritol Tetranitrate
Discord ID: 795148037592711168
Clearer thinking / Reduced 'brain fog' - Normalized acetylcholine levels
Pornography viewing has been shown to lower acetylcholine levels, a neurotransmitter vital for cognitive functioning. When cholinergic signaling is reduced, a subjective sense of 'brain fog' results.
Reduced sexual dysfunction - Dopamine receptor upregulation
The mesolimbic pathway of the central nervous system receives excitatory inputs from dopaminergic neurons throughout various other brain regions. Reduced dopaminergic signaling, resulting from pornography viewing, is thought to be the primary cause of pornography-induced erectile dysfunction.
Alleviation of depressive symptoms - Regulation of multiple neurological pathways
Alterations in the functionality of many brain regions, particularly those related to the dopaminergic system, have been shown to induce hypersexual behaviour. Many of these same brain regions are thought to malfunction in the case of depressive disorders. Abstinence from pornography viewing regulates these malfunctioning pathways.
Increased confidence - Spike in testosterone levels
According to researchers from Zhejiang University, abstinence from ejaculation caused a 146 percent increase in testosterone levels on the seventh day, while testosterone levels were not significantly influenced for 6 days prior.
Very fucking based
Fuck porn
What the fuck does based mean
Shit destroys you
This dude doesn't know what it means to be based
Monke simple
Monkey memes are over retard
We aren't brainlets
And it's atheist propoganda anyways
We were never monkey and never will be
Lmao, our DNA is 98% identical to monke.
Atheist propoganda and perversed satanic science
Debunking it, then.
If we came from a similar ancestor then why did we get smarter but monkeys remained stupid and useless
Evolution, my friend.
If evolution is real then why are their shitty evolutions like frogs and blobfish
We all from Africa, but Africans remained stupid and useless.
Njgger’s language detected!!!
Cry more atheist
You literally have a monkey as your pfp and you think you can call me a ñīggêr?
Ok, scientist.
im Atheist
Religiosity is paramount to the United States
When people became atheists, they're less likely to vote for Republicans.
When people become atheist they get a 100% chance of going to hell
atheism is sad cause it's the right way but most atheists suck
bro, you are just a bundle of cells, why you even talking
most atheists treat atheism as an excuse to not have morals
they use it for hedonism mainly
as long as you have morals theres no difference between whether or not you actively worship or not
pretending McDonald's doesnt own them
im basically an Atheist with Christian values
<:pepoeyeroll:707721739655970878> so imagine how hard it is to make friends
They are also more likely to be godless whores, gay, and black