Message from @ꒌЧика Вељаꒌ
Discord ID: 779860813045170226
I do cadets
im gonna join cadets soon
I quit like 2 days ago tho to have a break while it's virtual
Oh what branch
I tried some weed at 13 too ive tried a lot of alcohol and drugs never actually liked it only some alcohol i did like
A nazi shot me with a bb gun
idk im gonna hope it will teach me some more before i go to russia
So me and this fucking mong were constantly fighting at cadets
Like a metre away in the head
Ool u sent a pic of where he hit u
ive got jumped, fired at, stabbed and hit in the back with a brick
and a bottle smashed over my head and set on fire
This was it on the day
Oh shit dude
I had to peel the bullet out
ow i remember having anti terrorism squad raid my house and pull me over
I was out of ammo
Imagine having ur police care
But I kicked him in the nuts and called him a nazi fucking cunt
are you antifa
Not really, I like some fascists
Police of my country are just a bunch of fucking corrupted drunk cunts they can't do shit
But hate nazis
I like jews
Not all of them are bad
im quite a fan of nazis but i dont like how they killed jews and done some pretty fucked up shit
Lmao u believe in Holocaust
I like nothing about the nazis
Lmao let's agree to disagree on this topic
Because it did happen, facts
It didn't
However I applaud and simp for Van der lubbe