Message from @aaabi
Discord ID: 779861048462278656
So me and this fucking mong were constantly fighting at cadets
Like a metre away in the head
Ool u sent a pic of where he hit u
ive got jumped, fired at, stabbed and hit in the back with a brick
and a bottle smashed over my head and set on fire
This was it on the day
Oh shit dude
I had to peel the bullet out
ow i remember having anti terrorism squad raid my house and pull me over
Did u shoot him back
I was out of ammo
Imagine having ur police care
But I kicked him in the nuts and called him a nazi fucking cunt
are you antifa
Not really, I like some fascists
Police of my country are just a bunch of fucking corrupted drunk cunts they can't do shit
I like jews
Not all of them are bad
im quite a fan of nazis but i dont like how they killed jews and done some pretty fucked up shit
Lmao u believe in Holocaust
I like nothing about the nazis
Lmao let's agree to disagree on this topic
Because it did happen, facts
It didn't
However I applaud and simp for Van der lubbe
And young stalin holy shit-
i mean tbh there people lived good for most of the war. had a well set up system. many were racist but if the nazis were fully racist then why did they have minority's in their army and didn't kill everyone in Africa. but the holocaust and killing innocent people. and blitzkrieg starting ww2
Holocaust is fake
Also nigger blitzkrieg isn't invasion of poland retard
It's a military tactic
no i meant blitzkrieg and starting ww2