Discord ID: 787844574864736288

2020-12-12 03:03:15 UTC  

ill pray for you too, now that I have this free time that I would have otherwise spent engaging in degenerate acts against God

2020-12-12 03:12:21 UTC  

@itslennytime Btw a friend of mine recently shared this with me. It's called the Surrender Novena. Pretty much a big "trust the plan" prayer to Jesus. Maybe you've heard of it but it was new to me.

2020-12-12 03:13:01 UTC  

ill try it out, thank you my friend

2020-12-13 02:15:02 UTC  

a cool thing about the pandemic at my parish church is that the pews are marked to where you sit in one row, and leave the other row vacant. The reason for this is so that father and the decans can walk through those ailes and give communion to those who can recieve

2020-12-13 02:15:29 UTC  

so basically we recieve communion kneeling

2020-12-13 16:26:31 UTC  

does anyone know where Baronius Press actually makes their books?

2020-12-13 16:27:01 UTC  

im assuming they're made in the USA but I cant find anything that explicitly states that

2020-12-14 00:04:47 UTC  

Its sort of a bad faith question because we can't really definatively say religion held us back without seeing a world where there wasn't religion to hold people back

2020-12-14 00:05:30 UTC  

Also like other people said, priests in Europe basically were the intellectuals of that age

2020-12-14 00:05:48 UTC  

Without them, its pretty safe to say we would have been wayyyy worse off

2020-12-14 00:06:00 UTC  

Another thing is, their defination of progress isn't actually progress

2020-12-14 00:06:35 UTC  

Making people more acceptant of chopping a child's dick off because they like barbies isn't progress

2020-12-14 00:11:08 UTC

2020-12-14 00:11:37 UTC  

if anyone knows of, or finds, a higher resolution version of this image please let me know

2020-12-14 00:13:41 UTC  

also I've always wondered why Jesus Christ is often depicted holding his hand up like that

2020-12-14 00:13:48 UTC  

what does it mean?

2020-12-14 00:28:27 UTC  

@EmperorConstantine in terms of how libs define "progress" we should be regressing

2020-12-14 00:29:33 UTC  

Yeah exactly

2020-12-14 00:32:06 UTC  

Its regressing in the sense that, our ancestors learned all these lessons (most of them through the church/biblical teachings and law) centuries ago, and we are now having to relearn everything because we just decided to throw out Christian morality one day and create man-made laws

2020-12-14 00:47:30 UTC  

the gesture of the blessing hand shapes the letters IC XC, an abbreviation for the first and last letters of the Greek words Jesus (IHCOYC) Christ (XPICTOC). Additionally, the three fingers used to spell the I and X also represent the Trinity, the Unity of One God in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Bringing the thumb and the ring finger together to touch not only forms the letter C, but also symbolizes the Incarnation, the union of the divine and human natures in the person of Christ

2020-12-14 00:53:04 UTC  


2020-12-14 00:53:30 UTC  


2020-12-14 03:29:50 UTC  


2020-12-14 03:30:31 UTC  

What denomination are y’all?

2020-12-14 03:33:05 UTC  

I just prayed the 6th day of the Surrender Novena and this is what it was. It's pretty timely considering we put even the slightest faith in our Supreme Court justices and we were still let down. I don't have faith in the same kind of people to defend our president tomorrow. It's important to remember the only One we can truly have Faith in is God. Trust God's Plan! :)

2020-12-14 03:33:22 UTC  

> What denomination are y’all?
@Big Lenny
I'm Catholic

2020-12-14 03:34:39 UTC  

It's pretty cool that we have a mix of different denominations. I think a broad coalition of Christians will be a good force for political activism in the US

2020-12-14 03:34:55 UTC  

I actually don’t know

2020-12-14 03:34:57 UTC  

What I am

2020-12-14 03:35:12 UTC  

Catholic Church now is a bunch of gobalhomo

2020-12-14 03:35:31 UTC  


2020-12-14 03:35:51 UTC  

There are alot of modernists that make it seem like that

2020-12-14 03:36:06 UTC  

And it's pretty sad since it drives people away I think

2020-12-14 03:36:16 UTC  


2020-12-14 03:37:05 UTC  

I don't think any branch or Christianity can actually promote globohomo since Christianity necessarily opposes it.

2020-12-14 03:37:26 UTC  

Once a denomination does it isn't really Christian

2020-12-14 04:54:32 UTC  

Roman Catholic

2020-12-14 04:56:05 UTC  

I absolutely despise when I make a minor slip up in my judgement, and they say, "didnt you just go to Church?"

2020-12-14 04:56:19 UTC  

or, "Didnt you just go to confession?"

2020-12-14 04:57:40 UTC  

for example, if I say something that would be percieved by them as disobedient or mean or rude, they always pull that card on me

2020-12-14 04:58:23 UTC  

and it makes me want to pull a glock out on them in GTA V