Message from @Patrick_pjb
Discord ID: 783038322456789012
And and imports rlly are a large part of the British economy, freighters bring hundreds of millions of kg of oil and other resources
Do u not think I know about the working of my own bloody folking country?
Only the wimps stayed in England
The rest of the chads left to settle other lands
And the last of the Brits with any backbone were killed in ww1 and ww2
Im pooing
They don’t make woman like her anymore , literally. At least in the north
fucking based as fuck
if this was in the UK the bearded pajeet and the negroid wouldve beat and raped that woman
Don’t rlly appreciate the England meme m8
gonna have this built in my house, if my son tells me he's gay
not cool
@mrspiderforeman well i read some of the article and i got smthn for ya
japan knows whats up
Ted posting fo today
India moment