Message from @spencerx77
Discord ID: 776626044588916746
you should see his comments
his instagram comments and youtube comments were just blackpillers a lot even when he made videos that were commending trump
His whole fanbase is blackpillers
his ig comments are kinda filled with wignats at times
Hey where is that link with all the state official's phone numbers?
Also im slonking on some baskin robins rn
> Also im slonking on some baskin robins rn
@itslennytime i only got a half a tub of new zealand natural ice cream left
Oh shit
I think that tweet was deleted
Ill be calling them probably on saturday
I wanted to share it with one of my based history teachers too, they'll definetly call em
So great that someone made that
I know right?
I'll make sure to call as many as I can
Ill try to call and email all of them
What is happening lads?
If I cant go to the maga night at DC, then I can at least call our representatives
whats there to verify
Sorry man
I was there on mistak
I will do my movement service and call state reps in swing states
Thanks for posting the document @ZoomerNat
@DaRealBostonGroyper YOOO
its you
got some based black man on vc
he left the democratic plantation
blexit ftw lol
@DaRealBostonGroyper ayo join
@DaRealBostonGroyper talk to your kindred spirit