Message from @hyper
Discord ID: 786987696731717642
hitler's "socialism" is based on the brotherhood of the white race
not for poles
or russians
or czechs
yeah, those guys considered to be untermensch lol
i meant poles and smelly bolsheviks
are Iranians aryans?
Hitler believed Nordic people are some of the smartest people on Earth i thonk
why would he believed they are dumb though
weren't they "honorary aryan"
Germany also supported the Chinese and also Japanese
im guessing they wanted Japan to keep busy
Hitler doesn't like Japan very much
but he kept the tripartite alliance
just in case
kinda a big mistake there lol
should've left japan alone
probably he doesn't want Japan to be too big, honestly dont know enough, but what i know is Chinese Leadership is pretty fashy
Chiang Kai Shek got inspired by the Italian Fascists
he is the leader of KMT
Chinese Nationalists
Cuck moment
Tf is this shit
thanks for circling it no way i would have seen it otherwise
nice Lotus Evija in the bottom left tho
Its cool