Message from @NotKai
Discord ID: 787514260921647116
someone needs to tell him to make better content
to own the libs
There is literally no greater honor than dieing for your country
only in a shithole for zog
tbh if i go out killing commies that's a great way to go out
Being the father of 45 kids
Antifa vs Mega truck Road rage edition
For what this country used to be not for what it is now
Being the father of 45 girls
this is the real blackpill
100000 groyper desecntents
Will you die for your country... In Afghanistan?
Well yea lol not going to die for gay marriage and kikes lol
Will you die for your *Israel*... In Afghanistan?
dying during the Holy Crusades
That's Israels war not Americas
We will start the next crusade
the only honor higher than dying for ur country is dying for God
I want Constantinople BACK!
I would 1000% fight for Jerusalem. That would be the greatest thing in our lives
that'd be based
Retake the Levant for whites
why aren't there holy wars anymore
imagine getting into a firefight with IDF thots
Too much infighting even back then
The Pope is taking his time
Templars vs Hospitallers vs Kingdom of Jerusalem
Latins vs Byzantium
Teutonic order reforms itself
The Pope is pro lgbtq
Templars were evil bro
the (((pope)))
he's a jew
they started christian gnosticism