Message from @Robo
Discord ID: 788092083482918993
No i’m good on a cat. Not a fan
Dogs are great as long as they are not those Chihuahua retards or other genetic abominations.
Cats are cool too.
Maintaining an aquarium is patrician
My grandpa had fucking piranhas. What a chad.
Never been much of a cat fan, unless it was an outdoor cat. They claw all weird, their shit is horrible and litter boxes are gross.
I have a dog and a gecko
gecko is trained specialist
3 muslims assassinated
Cats are literally alpha
The only cool cats I’ve ever heard of are when people say “it’s just like a dog”
Cats are based. They will wake you up at 5 am to give them food
Then they'll piss on your carpet
They shit in a smelly box
If a dog pisses or shits in the house you can usually clean it. A cat will ruin whatever it is
Cats have a dedicated shit box
I'm hearing that Trump is going to pardon assange
I hear that too
He should pardon snowden. Then execute him when he comes back because he believes in climate change
Assange is based
He should’ve pardoned Assange earlier because he helped him in 2016 with Clinton. He could’ve done the same with Biden leaks
Snowden is a libtard
Maybe snowden will become based and redpilled if trump pardons him
Snowden is an icon of the far left, I doubt it
I mean it shouldnt have taken snowden to know our government spies on us.
Before snowden, that was a crazy conspiracy theory
My Fiance sent me a text saying the same thing, but I've yet to find a source for that info
Yea thats true @GIGACHAD
maybe we are just hopeful
Anons we still have hope
Coomers mad
I'm genuinely crying rn
For real?