Message from @Sid

Discord ID: 788766626245115914

2020-12-16 13:51:37 UTC  

Seems disrupting the endocrine system compiles with the already present depression

2020-12-16 13:51:40 UTC  

It's playing god and that's why they kill themselves

2020-12-16 13:51:49 UTC  

I want to have a girl, claim that she is trans, then harvest and the testosterone treatments

2020-12-16 13:52:02 UTC  

My face only went back to normal within the past few months or so

2020-12-16 13:52:07 UTC  


2020-12-16 13:52:17 UTC  

But for almost a year I didn't even have my own face

2020-12-16 13:52:39 UTC  

Did it get more fat or something?

2020-12-16 13:52:51 UTC  


2020-12-16 13:53:04 UTC  

Rounder, jawline changed, neck muscles went away, eyes changed

2020-12-16 13:53:11 UTC  

It's like a curse

2020-12-16 13:53:19 UTC  

Brow line changed, everything

2020-12-16 13:53:25 UTC  

I'm glad you're doing okay now man

2020-12-16 13:53:56 UTC  

Yeah I mean I can confidently say that if I was still a tranny I'd either be dead or on death's door

2020-12-16 13:54:19 UTC  

Did your parents not stop you or

2020-12-16 13:54:37 UTC  

Nah they weren't really involved

2020-12-16 13:54:39 UTC  

What made you come back to reality

2020-12-16 13:54:44 UTC  

But I was adult and I made my own bed

2020-12-16 13:55:37 UTC  

One day I was driving home from a bs therapist session and was day dreaming about having a wife and looked into the mirror and thought "I look like a raging faggot, what am I doing"

2020-12-16 13:56:23 UTC  

But before then I was in a relationship with a chick and kept thinking "I wish I was a dude" and my gross and toxic friends kept telling me it was "internalized transphobia" doing that

2020-12-16 13:56:51 UTC  

Then I realized "No I don't wish I was a dude, I am a dude, this shit is gay and fake" basically

2020-12-16 13:56:58 UTC  

You need better friends

2020-12-16 13:57:06 UTC  

That was out east

2020-12-16 13:57:22 UTC  

Those people are all either dead or druggies by now probably

2020-12-16 13:57:24 UTC  

You're a strong man

2020-12-16 13:57:25 UTC  


2020-12-16 13:57:26 UTC  

So are you bi or were you a straight tranny?

2020-12-16 13:57:34 UTC  

Is some level 100 genetic memory right there

2020-12-16 13:57:41 UTC  

I was dating women

2020-12-16 13:57:52 UTC  

I was sexually assaulted by a man however

2020-12-16 13:57:57 UTC  

Because gays are predatory

2020-12-16 13:58:03 UTC  

That is true

2020-12-16 13:58:07 UTC  

But my god dude

2020-12-16 13:58:17 UTC  

You seriously fucked up

2020-12-16 13:58:36 UTC  

Yeah it was probably the biggest fuck up of my life

2020-12-16 13:58:51 UTC  

But that makes living easier, because there's no possible way for me to fuck up again as bad as that

2020-12-16 13:58:59 UTC  

Well at least you learnt something

2020-12-16 13:59:22 UTC  

Lmao South Park ending “what can we learn from all this”

2020-12-16 13:59:22 UTC  

I learned that I want to destroy the LGBTQIA++ "community"

2020-12-16 13:59:48 UTC  

You’ve come to the right place

2020-12-16 14:00:50 UTC  

Idk how you get from being a tranny to this server but it's a good direction

2020-12-16 14:01:18 UTC  

All it takes is one bad day